Pivvot is an on-rails avoidance game created by Whitaker Trebella. It puts you in control of a small pair of orbs traveling along a fixed path in an abstract world of color and shape. Obstacles are placed along the path, and the only way you can avoid them is by pivoting the large orb around the smaller one. Simple concept, but like Super Hexagon and other "don't touch anything 'cause it's all dangerous" games, the challenge quickly escalates into a true test of reflexes.
Pivoting a ball around a smaller ball is surprisingly entertaining, but Pivvot goes further with five game modes to ensure you get just the right amount of challenge. Voyage is the basic mode described above where you run along the line trying not to hit anything. Endless sticks you in a series of levels and is all like "stay alive!". Until you die, of course, which will happen at some point. Both of these have alternate expert modes to dip your toe into, and then there's berserk, which is a completely mad mode only crazy people will enjoy. But you should try it!
It's abstract in a lot of senses, but Pivvot manages to be strangely soothing while turning up the difficulty. There's something innately satisfying about its on-rails pivoting mechanic, especially when you pull off a crazy last-second maneuver to dodge half a dozen floating shapes in a row.
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 3. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.