Pixelotl can be moved with the [arrow] keys or [WASD]. Some of the colored balls have just enough elasticity to let you squeeze through, and running into the side of a ball is all it takes to climb on top of it. However, crawling and jumping isn't enough, so you'll have to use the [spacebar] or [shift] keys to give yourself a little extra gravity. This extra gravity not only gives you more weight (for plowing through balls), but can also affect certain balls in a specific way. Your goal is to make it from one portal to another, collecting keys and saving your friends along the way, all while looking absolutely fantastic in the latest Pixelotl fashions.
There are fifty-one levels to tackle as you rescue your friends from the evil stork, which sadly pass by rather quickly. Still, Pixelotl is a fun, simple challenge that will delight you from your first step on a blue ball to the last scene in which you discover the harrowing truth about the stork. Besides, we really shouldn't be recommending that you put your lizard into a ball pit anyway.
No, really, about the ending:
For real.
Love. This. Game. :'( It has moved me. I just made a scarf for my pet gecko. Inspiring.
A game with axolotls! AXOLOTLS! What a glorious day.
*stops drooling, and starts playing it*
Ha! Love the ending joke.
There seems to be a bug in Level 4-8. I made it to the exit portal, "Enter to continue" appeared on the screen, but instead of being "caught" by the portal, the Pixelotl just fell through. "Enter to continue" remained on the screen, even after resetting - I still couldn't press enter to complete the level after making it to the portal again.
After exiting to the level hub and trying again, the same thing happened - I reached the exit, "Enter to continue" appeared, the Pixelotl didn't get caught in the portal, "Enter to continue" remained on the screen through the reset, and even the most vigorous of Enter-key buttonmashery as I jumped through the exit portal did not let me actually complete the level.
I just wanted to point out that the name is actually in reference to the "axolotl", which is a newt/salamander. So, they're amphibians, not lizards!
How do you change your character on the level hub, or 'open the stork door' in general after collecting everyone?
It might be reference to Quetzalcoatl, a reptile.
And after much jumping on the door, I realised the power of the mouse. <3
This review is disturbingly devoid of links...
[Are any links missing, or what kind of links would you like to see? -Jay]
Isn't Quetzalcoatl the mesoamerican deity? Perhaps you mean the axolotl, or Ambystoma mexicanum, the amphibian.
Just most reviews have more than one link. No problem.
And about the end
Sorry about making you go through deadly tasks, into a volcano, through treacherous landscapes, but SURPRISE
Seriously what was that.
Moral of the story:
Your friends are jerks.
I'm with Mono99099 about the ending.
I mean, come on, one of the levels even required you to KILL YOURSELF. How could the other lizards, the "friends", ever do that to poor Pixelotl? That's some real cold blood, I'm telling ya.
...Get it? They are lizards, their blood actually is cold, and... alright, never mind.
But then again...
I liked the ending! And I'd just been saying that there aren't enough games featuring axolotls. Wait, no, I've never said that, but that doesn't change the fact that there aren't. Fun little game!
So... so... you mean...
...the cake ISN'T a lie?
PS - Don't talk to me like you know my lizard.
1. I love axolotls, my high school biology teacher had a couple.
2. Yeah, I came here solely to post "axolotls are not lizards, they are amphibians, I am disappointed at this review, etc" but it appears I have been beaten to the punch. I think it is kind of funny that said person has "lizard" in their alias.
OK, can someone please tell me how to get into the last level?! "The power of the mouse" ain't doing any good.
Can anybody help me? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do:
I'm in level 5.9 and there are red walls around me and purple bubbles. And there is an arrow with a skull showing me a place on the top. I figured out i have to kill myself there but nothing happens
What should i do?
Ok i did it
The level design here was excellent. I was skeptical of the originality at first (it sounded like Gish, which I didn't really enjoy), but the play ended up being very fun with none of the finickiness of most phuzzles.
finally! After games about unicorns, ducks, dolphins, chicken, dogs, snails, fox, and turnip, AXOLOTL is gonna rule the world!!!
----shot out from a group of axolotl lovers
PS: They're not lizards but amphibians. They originated from mexico, but due to urbanization, and pollution, they're currently on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's annual Red List of threatened species.
One of the best main characters to be featured in not just a flash game, but any game in a while.
Pixelotl just exudes style and class.
Any amphibian that's that good of a friend deserves at least
a suprise birthday party
if not, a full fledged console game!
My friend had 2 of those creepy things as pets, a white one and a black one. The white one was particularly gross cuz you could see its guts.
Axolotls are SALAMANDERS, not lizards. :K
Anyway, really fun game! It was really good at ramping up the difficulty just right, as well as adding new blocks at a good pace. It was a LOT of fun! The ending was cute, too. :)
Oh my gosh axolotls have finally been featured in a game!
The ending was absolutely amazing.
I 100% LOVED the
portal reference!!! "Sorry, the stork was a lie! But, there IS cake!"
I'm stuck in level 5.9 help me :(
Axolotls are Tiger Salamanders that have failed to metamophose but have become a seperate sub-species. However, if you inject them with hormones, they can still evolve into a Tiger Salamander. Axolotl = Salamander = Amphibian. Also if you cut off limbs they just grow back - perfect for the clumsy pet owner.
Wait, how do you play as one of your friends?