An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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TrickySterile laboratory setting. Series of dangerous test chambers. Generic Omnipresent Voice (or, as he calls himself, G.O.V.) running the show. Yeah, that part of Revive, a retro-styled puzzle platformer by JonBro, may sound a little familiar. What isn't, though, is the particular syrup this poor subject is testing is the very secret to resurrection itself. Of course, to make sure the thing works, you're going to need to die and come back, like, a ton of times. Move left and right with the [arrow] keys, and [A] to jump. The goal of each level is to unlock and make your way to the exit door. However, there are a lot of obstacles standing in your way. Don't worry, though! Getting impaled or crushed only turns you into a ghost, allowing you to fly all over the level. Of course, ghosts can't go through exits, so you'll need to pick up either a jug of Life Syrup, or flying into one of the red streams of the same. There are wooden blocks to push (or float through), switches to flip and grapefruit to collect. Since death isn't as much as a handicap as it usually is, you're probably going to get stuck more than a few times, so have your finger poised on the [R] key to restart. There are twenty levels to complete... and another twenty if you figure out a way to turn the tables on your captors. With clever level design and firmly tongue-in-cheek overseer dialogue that captures just the right mix of humor and menace, Revive is perfect for players looking for that sweet spot of simple concept and challenging gameplay.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Revive Walkthrough

Room 1

  • Move left and right with the arrow keys, and jump with A. Get the grapefruit and go through the doorway. Easy.

Room 2

  • Jump up the platforms. To reach the ledge below the grapefruit, jump to it from the left.

Room 3

  • Get the grapefruit BEFORE getting the key. The rest is easy.

Room 4

  • Jump for the key. The grapefruit is too high up to jump to from the ground, so hold left as you drop down to get it.

Room 5

  • You can't make the jump, but after dying you can come back to life by grabbing the pitcher of red liquid. Get the grapefruit first, though.

Room 6

  • Note that you can't pass through gray walls even when dead. Get the key, hit the spikes, get the grapefruit, get the syrup.

Room 7

  • Touch the red areas when dead and you'll be revived. Remember, grapefruit first.

Room 8

  • When you're dead, you can pass through the wood. Spikes, key, grapefruit, syrup in upper left. Don't touch the red walls OR the other syrups.

Room 9

  • Push the crate five steps to the left, then push it back to the right so you can reach the grapefruit. After that, hit the spikes and hit the syrup above the door.

Room 10

  • Push the higher crate so it lands on top of the lower one. Hit the spikes. DON'T TOUCH THE SYRUP YET. Go around it and get the grapefruit, then get the syrup from the left so you land on the platform with the crates. The crates will stay stacked as you push them; push them off to the left, then push them to the right and climb them to get over the high ledge.

Room 11

  • Push the crate to the left so you can reach the ledge, then kill yourself on the spikes above the wooden wall. Get the key, then go through the crate under the syrup (crates are made of wood, too!) to reach the grapefruit. You can then get the syrup, then push the crate underneath to the left until it's stacked. Push the stacked crates to the right to reach the door.

Room 12

  • Those crates can block the streams of syrup. Push them one step to the right, kill yourself on the spikes, and revive yourself on the syrupy stream above the crates. Get the key, then push the crates to the left until they fall, then right once. Then try pushing the crates left again and the upper crate will crush and kill you. Get the grapefruit, revive, exit.

Room 13

  • Climb up and push the rightmost crate off the ledge, then leave it there so it blocks the stream. Kill yourself on the spikes, fly up to the ceiling above the text, and hold up and left; you'll land on the ledge above the key. Then climb up to where the upper crate is, push it to the left two steps so it blocks the stream, and go kill yourself again; this will allow you to navigate up to the grapefruit and nab it.

  • Once you've got the grapefruit, revive yourself on the syrupy wall in the upper left, then push the upper crate to the right until it falls to near where the other crate started. Then push the lower crate off to the left, then left until it's under the key, allowing you to reach it. After getting the key, push that same crate all the way to the right until it covers some of the spikes, then go push the upper crate to the left so it falls, then off the platform, then to the right until it falls into the spike pit with its partner. You can then exit.

Room 14

  • DON'T GET THE KEY YET! Jump over it and get the grapefruit, then climb back up and get the green key. Kill yourself at the spikes near the ceiling, get the key, and revive at the syrupy ceiling above the door.

Room 15

  • Spoon-switches? Now I've seen everything. A spoon can be flipped if it's facing down, which toggles the red and blue gates. First, climb up and get the green key. Then hit the red spoon nearby, hit the spikes near that, and carefully navigate counterclockwise to the grapefruit (revive yourself on the vertical strand of syrup nearby). Then, kill yourself on the same spikes again, and revive yourself on the syrupy ceiling above the door.

Room 16

  • Watch the crates as you trip the red spoon, then the blue one. Stay underneath the other red spoon when you trip it so the crate falls on and kills you; this'll allow you to get the orange key before reviving on the elixir ceiling in the lower right. The next part's tricky: push the crate that just fell one step to the right, then hit the blue spoon and immediately jump on top of that crate so the other one squashes you. This'll let you get the green key.

  • Revive on the same elixir ceiling again, then push the stacked crates to the left until they fall into a ditch. Push the upper crate one more step to the left, then jump from its right edge and hit the red spoon (it's tricky, but doable). After that, keep pushing that crate to the left so you can use it to reach the upper left area. Grapefruit, spikes, fly to the falls near the door to revive, exit.

Room 17

  • Jump down and hit the spikes in the middle, then hit the green key, then the yellow one. Revive on the syrup in the top middle, go left and hit the red spoon, and kill yourself again on the spikes. Hit the same syrupy ceiling again to revive, then push the wooden crate you just dropped as far to the left as you can.

  • Hit the blue spoon, then jump over and up to the crate you just pushed and push it as far to the left as you can (again). Hit the red spoon; the crate will prop the red gate to the left open. Hit the spikes, get the grapefruit, hit the syrup above where the grapefruit was. Push the crate back to the right so it lands on the other crate, push both crates to the left until the upper one squashes you, and revive again in the upper middle. Push the upper crate so it lands beside the lower one, and make your way to the door.

Room 18

  • This one's tricky. First, trip the red spoon, then kill yourself on the spikes in the lower right. Fly through the wood and grab the yellow key, then fly to the left (through the wood above the spouts) and revive yourself in the niche near the green key. DON'T GRAB THE GREEN KEY. Instead, push the stacked crates off the ledge to the left, then off to the right.

  • Kill yourself and take the same path again, but this time get the green key. With the blue spoon up, push the crates to the right until they're one step away from falling, then trip the red spoon and push them two more steps. Then, trip the blue spoon again to drop them, then the red spoon to jam the red gate. Climb under and around to get to the right of the crates (no deaths necessary), then push the lower one to the left (this kills you, so go revive yourself wherever).

  • Once that's done, push the lower crate five steps to the left, then push the upper crate off the ledge and leave it. Get to the spoons again (the quickest way is to kill yourself yet again and revive on the middle-right syrup fall), then trip the blue spoon. With that done, kill yourself one more time, follow the floor to the lower left (the crates block the syrup falls) and fly up to get the grapefruit. Revive and push the left crate to the left until you can reach the door.

Room 19

  • Aha! I see where this is going. Stand underneath the column of spoons, then jump straight up repeatedly until you're at the top. The grapefruit's unmissable.

Room 20

  • If you want the bad end, trip the red spoon and wait in the gap for the big crate to squash you. But you don't, do you?

  • Stand in the pit without hitting the red spoon, then jump up through it and quickly climb up and hit the blue spoon; the crate should land on the lower blue gate. Push the big crate to the right and jump from it to the door.

Room 21

  • Wow, it got dark all of a sudden. Jump up and go through the door.

Room 22

  • Be careful! If you revive now, you'll be whisked straight upwards. Kill yourself on the rightmost spike bed by walking into it from the right, and hold right so you land on the ledge with the door.

Room 23

  • Hit the spikes to reach the upper ledge, then push the upper crate so it falls on top of the lower crate. Use the crates as a step to reach the door.

Room 24

  • If you revive on the pink syrup, you'll be warped to the area with the pink sparkles. Push the lower big crate until it's directly underneath the upper one, then push it one step back to the right. Die on the lower left spikes, push the upper crate off the ledge, then push the stack of crates to the right until you can use it to climb up to the door.

Room 25

  • Push the box so it falls into the hole to the right, but time it carefully! You want the moving star to end up on the right. Once that's done, get the keycard, then carefully jump over the star on your way back to the upper level.

Room 26

  • Drop down in the middle, then carefully navigate to the lower right, avoiding the stars. Hit the red spoon with just the right timing to trap the stars on the right, then hit the stars and revive on the red syrup above. Hold left as you do.

  • Once you're back in the middle, get the green key WITHOUT hitting the blue spoons, then hit the blue spoon in the middle. (If you're good, you can do it without the stars killing you; if not, no worries, just get back to where you were after you revive.) Let the stars kill you next to the red gate (NOT inside it or you'll get stuck!), land on the red gate, and jump to the exit.

Room 27

  • Push the large crate one step to the left, then stand in the pit in the lower left, directly below the wooden section of floor in the upper left. Jump straight up into the star so it kills you (it might take a few tries); this'll land you in the upper left. From there, hit the red spoon and push the small crate off so it lands on top of the large one.

  • Push the large crate one step to the left, then push the small crate one step to the right. Then, push the large crate all the way to the right, then push the small crate to the right until it falls. It doesn't matter much whether the star ends up on the left or the right, but you need to push the small crate to the right until you can use it to reach the door.

Room 28

  • The cannon at the bottom is shooting fireballs that'll demolish the wooden crate after you push it off. No worries. Navigate to the left (it's no big deal if the fireballs kill you on the way, as long as you hit the syrup above) and hit the spikes to reach the upper left. Push the metal crate off and it'll block the fireballs, allowing you to reach the door.

Room 29

  • Die somewhere beneath the one section of wooden floor so you can land on it after reviving (or, below the pink syrup so you can warp up there). Push the metal crate two steps to the right, then die immediately to the left of it so you can get back up to the upper level. Get to the large crate and push it off, then hit the blue spoon. You can then push the large crate to the right and use it to reach the door.

Room 30

  • Carefully jump over the little humps, avoiding the fireballs. Hit the rightmost red spoon, then the leftmost blue spoon, then get to the crates. Push the large crate to the right one step, then the metal crate to the left until it falls. Hit the leftmost red spoon, and you can then push the large crate to the right until it drops to the ledge below. Go down to that ledge without hitting any more spoons and push the crate off into the pit, then drop down there and use the crate to reach the door.

Room 31

  • Hit the red spoon, then push the lower big crate to the left four steps. Hit the middle-right blue spoon, then push the upper big crate ALMOST to the wall, and use it to reach the green key. Once you've got it, go trip the red spoon again, then push the upper big crate to the left until it lands on top of its twin. Push the lower big crate to the right to crush yourself; if you do it right, you'll hit the syrup right above the upper-left blue spoon, then hit the spoon to give yourself something to land on.

Room 32

  • It's time for a bit of space-falling. Hit the lava directly below the upper-right syrup, then hold left; you should fall down upon reviving, hit the lava again, and hit the upper-left syrup ceiling. Repeat the maneuver in the other direction to get back to the right.

Room 33

  • Push the metal crate to the right so it fills the big lava hole, then push the wooden crate to the left until it ALMOST falls off. Then you can jump from it to the red spoon. To get back to the right, die on the spikes and hit the pink syrup.

Room 34

  • Die in the lava and hit the pink syrup to get up above. Red spoon, blue spoon, green key. After that, die in the lava again to get back up, then push the leftmost metal crate off the ledge. From there, drop to the ledge with the card key, get it, and push the metal crate you just dropped into the lava. Die in the lava yet again to get back up, push the other metal crate down, and push it into the lava as well. You can then jump from the crates to the door.

Room 35

  • You need to be fast for this one. Get to the right side, then hit the red spoon. The next part has to be done quickly: get the green key, drop into the lava, get under the crate upon reviving. Don't forget to hold right to land on the ledge with the door.

Room 36

  • A fork?! When you trip it, lava will start rising from below. This has to be done quickly: fork, get to the lower left, red spoon, let the lava kill you under the pink syrup, jump across the gates to reach the exit.

Room 37

  • Don't touch the green key yet! Climb up to the upper left where the blue spoon is, then jump from there to the metal crates. Push the large crate off the ledge, then jump down and push it to the left one step. Climb up the left again, jump to the smaller crate, and push it down so it lands on the larger one. After that, hit the red spoon, then push the stack of crates off to the left.

  • It's now safe to get the green key, so do so. Now it's time for the big run. Get the cardkey (tripping the fork on the way), climb up the crates, and jump across to right below the pink syrup. Hold right as you get killed; you should make it.

Room 38

  • It's time for the big reveal. Make your way to the green key, dying on the star immediately after you get it. Watch.

Room 39

  • Run through. You'll automatically leave all your grapefruits in the pit.

Room 40

  • After the cutscene, jump across and hit the spoon. After the OTHER cutscene, go back to the door.


Not sure if it was the game, or my keyboard. A lot of the keys I pressed, either didn't register at all, or I had to keep pressing em before they finally worked. Plus, sometimes I went a direction and it didn't stop. Even restarting the game ... it was still going that direction. Using IE browser btw

Reply February 15, 2013 1:34 PM

Stuck on level 16 and can't get the grapefruit for level 12.
I was also having the same problem as MtDewed, only I'm using Firefox.


Level 12 Grapefruit hint:

Spikes aren't the only way to die. Normally if one block is stacked on top of another, you have to push both blocks. However, if the top block can't go forward...

This is a pretty tough game overall. I've missed several of the grapefruit and I get stuck a lot before puzzling it out.


I've managed to collect all the grapefruits so far, but I'm also stuck at 16. Total brickwall.
No problems with the controls in Chrome.
However, I really dislike the split in controls between the live and ghost states. Alive, you use A to jump, but as a ghost, you can use either A or Up to move upwards. I've multiple times been screwed by trying to use Up to jump, after getting used to using it in ghost form.


Power of the post. I returned to a strategy that I had previously decided was a dead-end, and with split-second timing, it actually works to get the grapefruit in 16.

Difficult to do, but if you can manage to position crate #1 under crate #2, and then get on top of #1 while #2 is falling, resulting in dying and stacking the two, then you're on the right track.


Does anyone know how to solve level 24?


@Rygar: Level 24

You need to use the big boxes to create a staircase.

Now I'm stuck on level 29.


Level 24 hints:

Pink stuff on the ceiling has a different outcome than red stuff on the ceiling.

You don't have to stack 2x2 blocks directly on top of each other - what if you position the bottom block so that the top block falls 1 space to one side or the other?


Halp on level 17? I can get the blocks down, but I can't figure out how to get the grapefruit.


@Nemo Level 29

Push down the metal block with the blue ledge retracted to drop it in the path of the cannon. Next push down the big wooden crate down next to the red ledge. Jump across the platforms to the blue spoon to retract the red ledge. Work your way past the metal crate & push the wooden crate so that it's right up against the retracted red ledge. You can now jump on the wooden crate & up to the door.


Completely beaten the game, including the expert levels. Sunk enough time into it, but I really loved it, so I'm sure I'll be returning to try the time trial mode.
Enjoyed everything about it. Nice level of challenge: even at it's most frustrating, there was the knowledge that I could beat it by being just a little quicker, or a little cleverer. Perfectly hits that button of "Just a little longer, Ma!"
Cute graphics, fun writing, and great music. (My girlfriend, sitting on the couch, even commented on how great the music was; quite a step up from "Oh my god, what is that annoying noise" that so many casual games elicit.)


@John Harvey: Level 18 Grapefruit
Hint 1:

The trick is in how the pistons react to hitting a box, versus how they react to hitting you.

Hint 2:

A box will stop the piston, but if it hits you, it will immediately rebound.

Hint 3:

Stick a box under the red piston, and flip the switch, so the blue piston is open. As a ghost, you can float through the box, hit the syrup, grab the grapefruit, and then push the box back out, without getting crushed by the piston.


Power of the post! Got it.


Very nice, a little tricky at times but managed to get all the grapefruit and complete the 2 expert levels.

Patreon Crew SonicLover February 15, 2013 3:55 PM

Revive Walkthrough

Room 1

  • Move left and right with the arrow keys, and jump with A. Get the grapefruit and go through the doorway. Easy.

Room 2

  • Jump up the platforms. To reach the ledge below the grapefruit, jump to it from the left.

Room 3

  • Get the grapefruit BEFORE getting the key. The rest is easy.

Room 4

  • Jump for the key. The grapefruit is too high up to jump to from the ground, so hold left as you drop down to get it.

Room 5

  • You can't make the jump, but after dying you can come back to life by grabbing the pitcher of red liquid. Get the grapefruit first, though.

Room 6

  • Note that you can't pass through gray walls even when dead. Get the key, hit the spikes, get the grapefruit, get the syrup.

Room 7

  • Touch the red areas when dead and you'll be revived. Remember, grapefruit first.

Room 8

  • When you're dead, you can pass through the wood. Spikes, key, grapefruit, syrup in upper left. Don't touch the red walls OR the other syrups.

Room 9

  • Push the crate five steps to the left, then push it back to the right so you can reach the grapefruit. After that, hit the spikes and hit the syrup above the door.

Room 10

  • Push the higher crate so it lands on top of the lower one. Hit the spikes. DON'T TOUCH THE SYRUP YET. Go around it and get the grapefruit, then get the syrup from the left so you land on the platform with the crates. The crates will stay stacked as you push them; push them off to the left, then push them to the right and climb them to get over the high ledge.

Room 11

  • Push the crate to the left so you can reach the ledge, then kill yourself on the spikes above the wooden wall. Get the key, then go through the crate under the syrup (crates are made of wood, too!) to reach the grapefruit. You can then get the syrup, then push the crate underneath to the left until it's stacked. Push the stacked crates to the right to reach the door.

Room 12

  • Those crates can block the streams of syrup. Push them one step to the right, kill yourself on the spikes, and revive yourself on the syrupy stream above the crates. Get the key, then push the crates to the left until they fall, then right once. Then try pushing the crates left again and the upper crate will crush and kill you. Get the grapefruit, revive, exit.

Room 13

  • Climb up and push the rightmost crate off the ledge, then leave it there so it blocks the stream. Kill yourself on the spikes, fly up to the ceiling above the text, and hold up and left; you'll land on the ledge above the key. Then climb up to where the upper crate is, push it to the left two steps so it blocks the stream, and go kill yourself again; this will allow you to navigate up to the grapefruit and nab it.

  • Once you've got the grapefruit, revive yourself on the syrupy wall in the upper left, then push the upper crate to the right until it falls to near where the other crate started. Then push the lower crate off to the left, then left until it's under the key, allowing you to reach it. After getting the key, push that same crate all the way to the right until it covers some of the spikes, then go push the upper crate to the left so it falls, then off the platform, then to the right until it falls into the spike pit with its partner. You can then exit.

Room 14

  • DON'T GET THE KEY YET! Jump over it and get the grapefruit, then climb back up and get the green key. Kill yourself at the spikes near the ceiling, get the key, and revive at the syrupy ceiling above the door.

Room 15

  • Spoon-switches? Now I've seen everything. A spoon can be flipped if it's facing down, which toggles the red and blue gates. First, climb up and get the green key. Then hit the red spoon nearby, hit the spikes near that, and carefully navigate counterclockwise to the grapefruit (revive yourself on the vertical strand of syrup nearby). Then, kill yourself on the same spikes again, and revive yourself on the syrupy ceiling above the door.

Room 16

  • Watch the crates as you trip the red spoon, then the blue one. Stay underneath the other red spoon when you trip it so the crate falls on and kills you; this'll allow you to get the orange key before reviving on the elixir ceiling in the lower right. The next part's tricky: push the crate that just fell one step to the right, then hit the blue spoon and immediately jump on top of that crate so the other one squashes you. This'll let you get the green key.

  • Revive on the same elixir ceiling again, then push the stacked crates to the left until they fall into a ditch. Push the upper crate one more step to the left, then jump from its right edge and hit the red spoon (it's tricky, but doable). After that, keep pushing that crate to the left so you can use it to reach the upper left area. Grapefruit, spikes, fly to the falls near the door to revive, exit.

Room 17

  • Jump down and hit the spikes in the middle, then hit the green key, then the yellow one. Revive on the syrup in the top middle, go left and hit the red spoon, and kill yourself again on the spikes. Hit the same syrupy ceiling again to revive, then push the wooden crate you just dropped as far to the left as you can.

  • Hit the blue spoon, then jump over and up to the crate you just pushed and push it as far to the left as you can (again). Hit the red spoon; the crate will prop the red gate to the left open. Hit the spikes, get the grapefruit, hit the syrup above where the grapefruit was. Push the crate back to the right so it lands on the other crate, push both crates to the left until the upper one squashes you, and revive again in the upper middle. Push the upper crate so it lands beside the lower one, and make your way to the door.

Room 18

  • This one's tricky. First, trip the red spoon, then kill yourself on the spikes in the lower right. Fly through the wood and grab the yellow key, then fly to the left (through the wood above the spouts) and revive yourself in the niche near the green key. DON'T GRAB THE GREEN KEY. Instead, push the stacked crates off the ledge to the left, then off to the right.

  • Kill yourself and take the same path again, but this time get the green key. With the blue spoon up, push the crates to the right until they're one step away from falling, then trip the red spoon and push them two more steps. Then, trip the blue spoon again to drop them, then the red spoon to jam the red gate. Climb under and around to get to the right of the crates (no deaths necessary), then push the lower one to the left (this kills you, so go revive yourself wherever).

  • Once that's done, push the lower crate five steps to the left, then push the upper crate off the ledge and leave it. Get to the spoons again (the quickest way is to kill yourself yet again and revive on the middle-right syrup fall), then trip the blue spoon. With that done, kill yourself one more time, follow the floor to the lower left (the crates block the syrup falls) and fly up to get the grapefruit. Revive and push the left crate to the left until you can reach the door.

Room 19

  • Aha! I see where this is going. Stand underneath the column of spoons, then jump straight up repeatedly until you're at the top. The grapefruit's unmissable.

Room 20

  • If you want the bad end, trip the red spoon and wait in the gap for the big crate to squash you. But you don't, do you?

  • Stand in the pit without hitting the red spoon, then jump up through it and quickly climb up and hit the blue spoon; the crate should land on the lower blue gate. Push the big crate to the right and jump from it to the door.

Room 21

  • Wow, it got dark all of a sudden. Jump up and go through the door.

Room 22

  • Be careful! If you revive now, you'll be whisked straight upwards. Kill yourself on the rightmost spike bed by walking into it from the right, and hold right so you land on the ledge with the door.

Room 23

  • Hit the spikes to reach the upper ledge, then push the upper crate so it falls on top of the lower crate. Use the crates as a step to reach the door.

Room 24

  • If you revive on the pink syrup, you'll be warped to the area with the pink sparkles. Push the lower big crate until it's directly underneath the upper one, then push it one step back to the right. Die on the lower left spikes, push the upper crate off the ledge, then push the stack of crates to the right until you can use it to climb up to the door.

Room 25

  • Push the box so it falls into the hole to the right, but time it carefully! You want the moving star to end up on the right. Once that's done, get the keycard, then carefully jump over the star on your way back to the upper level.

Room 26

  • Drop down in the middle, then carefully navigate to the lower right, avoiding the stars. Hit the red spoon with just the right timing to trap the stars on the right, then hit the stars and revive on the red syrup above. Hold left as you do.

  • Once you're back in the middle, get the green key WITHOUT hitting the blue spoons, then hit the blue spoon in the middle. (If you're good, you can do it without the stars killing you; if not, no worries, just get back to where you were after you revive.) Let the stars kill you next to the red gate (NOT inside it or you'll get stuck!), land on the red gate, and jump to the exit.

Room 27

  • Push the large crate one step to the left, then stand in the pit in the lower left, directly below the wooden section of floor in the upper left. Jump straight up into the star so it kills you (it might take a few tries); this'll land you in the upper left. From there, hit the red spoon and push the small crate off so it lands on top of the large one.

  • Push the large crate one step to the left, then push the small crate one step to the right. Then, push the large crate all the way to the right, then push the small crate to the right until it falls. It doesn't matter much whether the star ends up on the left or the right, but you need to push the small crate to the right until you can use it to reach the door.

Room 28

  • The cannon at the bottom is shooting fireballs that'll demolish the wooden crate after you push it off. No worries. Navigate to the left (it's no big deal if the fireballs kill you on the way, as long as you hit the syrup above) and hit the spikes to reach the upper left. Push the metal crate off and it'll block the fireballs, allowing you to reach the door.

Room 29

  • Die somewhere beneath the one section of wooden floor so you can land on it after reviving (or, below the pink syrup so you can warp up there). Push the metal crate two steps to the right, then die immediately to the left of it so you can get back up to the upper level. Get to the large crate and push it off, then hit the blue spoon. You can then push the large crate to the right and use it to reach the door.

Room 30

  • Carefully jump over the little humps, avoiding the fireballs. Hit the rightmost red spoon, then the leftmost blue spoon, then get to the crates. Push the large crate to the right one step, then the metal crate to the left until it falls. Hit the leftmost red spoon, and you can then push the large crate to the right until it drops to the ledge below. Go down to that ledge without hitting any more spoons and push the crate off into the pit, then drop down there and use the crate to reach the door.

Room 31

  • Hit the red spoon, then push the lower big crate to the left four steps. Hit the middle-right blue spoon, then push the upper big crate ALMOST to the wall, and use it to reach the green key. Once you've got it, go trip the red spoon again, then push the upper big crate to the left until it lands on top of its twin. Push the lower big crate to the right to crush yourself; if you do it right, you'll hit the syrup right above the upper-left blue spoon, then hit the spoon to give yourself something to land on.

Room 32

  • It's time for a bit of space-falling. Hit the lava directly below the upper-right syrup, then hold left; you should fall down upon reviving, hit the lava again, and hit the upper-left syrup ceiling. Repeat the maneuver in the other direction to get back to the right.

Room 33

  • Push the metal crate to the right so it fills the big lava hole, then push the wooden crate to the left until it ALMOST falls off. Then you can jump from it to the red spoon. To get back to the right, die on the spikes and hit the pink syrup.

Room 34

  • Die in the lava and hit the pink syrup to get up above. Red spoon, blue spoon, green key. After that, die in the lava again to get back up, then push the leftmost metal crate off the ledge. From there, drop to the ledge with the card key, get it, and push the metal crate you just dropped into the lava. Die in the lava yet again to get back up, push the other metal crate down, and push it into the lava as well. You can then jump from the crates to the door.

Room 35

  • You need to be fast for this one. Get to the right side, then hit the red spoon. The next part has to be done quickly: get the green key, drop into the lava, get under the crate upon reviving. Don't forget to hold right to land on the ledge with the door.

Room 36

  • A fork?! When you trip it, lava will start rising from below. This has to be done quickly: fork, get to the lower left, red spoon, let the lava kill you under the pink syrup, jump across the gates to reach the exit.

Room 37

  • Don't touch the green key yet! Climb up to the upper left where the blue spoon is, then jump from there to the metal crates. Push the large crate off the ledge, then jump down and push it to the left one step. Climb up the left again, jump to the smaller crate, and push it down so it lands on the larger one. After that, hit the red spoon, then push the stack of crates off to the left.

  • It's now safe to get the green key, so do so. Now it's time for the big run. Get the cardkey (tripping the fork on the way), climb up the crates, and jump across to right below the pink syrup. Hold right as you get killed; you should make it.

Room 38

  • It's time for the big reveal. Make your way to the green key, dying on the star immediately after you get it. Watch.

Room 39

  • Run through. You'll automatically leave all your grapefruits in the pit.

Room 40

  • After the cutscene, jump across and hit the spoon. After the OTHER cutscene, go back to the door.

Patreon Crew SonicLover February 15, 2013 4:29 PM

Revive Story Synopsis
NOTE: This is a synopsis of Revive's backstory, organized for proper understanding. Do NOT open the spoiler tag below unless you have already beaten the game with the "good ending"!

Our story begins with Gunther, a mischievous hog with a massive sweet tooth, as well as the true identity of Generic Omnipresent Voice. His father was a wealthy scientist working on creating various medicines. One day, Gunther used his father's credit card (presumably-- this bit's not really filled in) to buy a rather massive collection of sugary treats of all sorts. Daddy didn't take kindly to the purchase, and locked them all away in his lab. It wasn't a total loss, as he was able to use them as ingredients for his medicinal recipes.

Upon his father's death, Gunther and his siblings snuck into the lab and found that confiscated stash of sweets (presumably they were all refrigerated, because they were still edible). To them it was heaven; they would never eat anything but dessert for any meal ever again. For obvious reasons, this would prove to be detrimental to their health, both mentally and physically.

Gunther was the last sibling left alive, the others victims of a lethally unbalanced diet. Faced with the dilemma of giving up his life of dessert or his life period, he decided to take a third option. He continued his father's research and tried to use it to create an elixir of eternal life, to allow himself to cheat death. Not being stupid enough to use any of it on himself without testing it first, he began kidnapping subjects to test them out.

Most of his attempts failed spectacularly, transforming nineteen subjects into grapefruits instead of properly reviving them. That's where you come in. You are Gunther's twentieth subject, and his first-ever success.

Reply February 15, 2013 5:25 PM

The walkthrough for level 18 is a little vague. Just what am I doing with the stacked crates?


Anyone able to get the grapefruits for levels 12 and 16?
I finished the whole game....and i STILL can't get them! D:

Patreon Crew SonicLover February 15, 2013 5:43 PM

You're using them to jam the horizontal red double-gate. With it closed around the stack, you can push the lower crate out from under the upper crate.


Nvr mind....just noticed the walkthrough went up. Lol


This was a great little game that represented the "I am the Walrus" of platformers.
We've all just been punked!

and here's why.

While SonicLover has explained the story, I believe that this was actiually a brilliant "Not Story" game, based on the last line of speech.
"The fruits of my labour."
It's in this statement that I believe the creator wanted to give a false impression of a meaningful game with a true agenda of misconception. I believe he wanted to make a game based off of a one line groaner and trick us into thinking it was going to be something deep and meaningful which is brilliant and hilarious in and of itself because it's so well put together!

the only thing I could think of that would be more perfect than this type of gag, would be a game where upon completion, you would be rick rolled...

Well Done JonBro!

Reply February 15, 2013 7:57 PM

Yes, I see that. But the walkthrough is very unclear where to push the blocks before triggering the spoon.

Reply February 15, 2013 8:08 PM

I reached room 26 and the key sensitivity abruptly went nuts. I could barely move because of sporadic delays, or not registering the keys.


Level 18

1 - Orange spoon, die and fly to the green key but Do Not get it.

2 - Revive, push the blocks down onto the green block, push them over to the right.

3 - Blue spoon, die and revive to get the green key, then push the blocks to the right 6 times but not off of the platform.

4 - Orange spoon, push boxes to the right 2 times, blue spoon then orange spoon.

5 - Push the bottom box, die and grab door key. Revive, blue spoon.

6 - push the bottom box to the left and cover the far left pipe, push the other box on the floor and leave it.

Hope that helps.


Level 37 I wasn't able to make the final run without

going back up and hitting the blue spoon so that the three blue pistons came back up. Then I was able to make a final jump before the lava got too high. Without the blue platforms raised, I always hit the lava without being far enough right to hit the pink revival cotton candy


Has anyone gotten through the two Expert Rooms? In ER-1 it seems like it should be a timing issue

with getting the crate on the red piston and then hitting the blue spoon from below and quickly getting under the crate to die. But I can't figure out how to get the crate onto the piston and then get below it.


@Stachey: ER-1 doesn't need any timing

Inspect everything around the level, corners etc. They have a purpose


Thanks M2C1. For some reason I keep forgetting that my spirit can pass through the wooden crate.

I kept thinking that once I pushed the crate to the bottom, I couldn't get behind it to push it over to the right to allow passage past the rez juice. But with the red pistons out blocking the flow, you can pass through the crate, rez and push it where it works.

On to ER-2 which looks to be a real race.


Trying to beat ER-2 It seems that you have to

die in the lava below the red rez junk on the right ceiling but I can't figure out how to get from the top platforms to the door without plopping into the lava again.

Any hints?

bluegriffin18 February 17, 2013 9:01 PM

Is there any difference in ending if you don't

get any/ not all the grapefruits?


@Stachey you don't need to die in the lava, just make the two block placed horizontally under the blue door and then switch them off.


Thanks BearHarry, it wasn't as much of a race as I thought it would be.



It's impossible to beat level 19 without collecting the grapefruit. There's always going to be at least one other test subject in the final cutscene


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