Collecting pieces racks up a combo score that feeds the orange meter at the top of the screen. If you bump into a piece that doesn't match your color, the combo counter resets. Fill it up and the music changes, the bigger the combo the more the bar fills. Although there doesn't seem to be any significant changes when the music shifts, it's always cool to be able to interact with the audio of a game. And don't dawdle: your orb has both a countdown timer and a meter that forces you to keep collecting pieces at a rapid pace.
No-frills on the outside, Sound Energy is packed with a lot of little touches that make it a deeper experience than many Flash games. The combo spots that periodically appear in the background add a lot of spice. For example, if a block reads "2 combo" and has a picture of a purple square below, move your orb over that spot and click the mouse button after obtaining a combo of two or greater and all pieces on the screen freeze and turn into purple squares. Some really interesting boxes appear that can turn the tide of the game, so keep an eye out for the more creative effects.
Simple, stylish and fun. Sound Energy is yet another great coffee break title from Game-Pure.
Note: Some users with older computers and laptops have experienced glitches and slowdown while playing Sound Energy. Keep the quality setting on 'medium' to get the fastest performance possible.
I really hated when you got hit... I didn't know that you had to change your color again when you got hit (turns your color to "Clear" x.x
Another fun, challenging game.
I seemed to have hit a bug when playing this game.. towards the end of my game, the music started shifting rapidly-- like every second or two-- and the pieces started moving EXTREMELY fast. My game ended rather soon thereafter.
I share the complaint of having to reset your color after getting hit. Maybe instead, cycling the color, or something. But when EVERYTHING can hit you after you've been hit, it's near-impossible to continue.
I also agree with being hit. I lost the first few games because I didn't know i had to click to become a color, I thought you clicked on the colored shapes. Other than that, it was fun!
I didn't really like it that much. Maybe i just didn't understand the point. What were the #'ed combod boxes popping up in the back
The combo boxes that pop up are actually goals to complete. Move the cursor over top once you accomplish the specified number (and color) of the combo for an added bonus.
For example: if the box says: "Combo 4 grey", once you have made a grey 4-combo, move the cursor over it and the box will disappear giving you bonus points.
Errr, umm, no way into this game for me. Too hard too early.
When you have a combo box with a number and a shape, getting that size combo and clicking in the box seems to turn all of the other shapes to the one in the combo box, and stops them all for a few seconds. This is very nice with the Grey ones, as they are drawn to you anyway.
Have to say, I love this game.
If you snag a couple of the combos that convert everything to one color, especially the grey ones, as mentioned before, you can get a pretty reasonable score. I got close to 15,000 but I don't know if that's high or not since there's no scores page.
Two other things I noticed: If you click in the middle of two or or more overlapping combo boxes, the "rewards" from all the combo boxes will be activated. Also, so far only once, I noticed a single combo box that had two rewards combined in it, like "time" and a shape-conversion.
It also helps to notice that the blue shapes go horizontally, the pink shapes go vertically and the grey ones follow you.
Intersting, but didn't really like this. I'd rather use the keyboard to change the colours than the mouse.
I also had the extremely fast level shifting and shapes problem; it hit around 44,000 points.
BTW, the scoring starts low (points in the single digits for the first few points of a combo) but picks up very rapidly, maxing out at 500 points per piece at 10+.
Also, when you shift colors and hit a new shape your combo resets, but if you shift all the way through the colors to where you were before the timer runs down, your combo will continue. (very useful for those rare Turn Everything Into A Particular Shape combo boxes)