
Yes, it's an advergame for SPAM: the stinky French garlic flavor kind. But much, much more than that, SPAMalot is a Flash defend-your-castle Flash game with an absolutely severe Monty Python element thrown up into the mix for good humor, good times.
Just use your mouse to control the catapult, hurling cows, chickens, and mules at waves of oncoming attackers. Choose sides, either English or French, to begin the onslaught.
Accompanied by an infectious soundtrack and samples that sound as if they were taken straight from ye olde comedy series, SPAMalot will certainly entertain you (if you like that sort of thing.) Created by 4t2 Multimedia in the UK.
Thanks Graeme! =)
...but I don't like spam...
You could always have the spam, eggs, bacon and spam. Tha's not got much spam in'it.
That was fun for a while. My favorite was the chickens. I died trying to find shrubry... and then I decided to go play my drum kit.
Drums rule!
The shrubbery:
in the bushes on the other side of the map
Yes, I figured that out right when the enemy got to my castle... but then it was too late.
Wow...I'm terrible at this! :D Ah well, catapult games were never my forte. By the way, what exactly IS spam?
Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam! Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!
You can't have egg bacon spam and sausage without the spam.
Egg bacon spam and If I were vegan I think I'd have a nightmare. Seriously, what is spam? Come to think of it...what is a hot dog made of?
Since I have now been inspired to look it up, I figured I'd share. Hormel actually has a section of its site dedicated to the question.
There, a dramatic, heavenly voice informed me that this mysterious product contains "ham, pork, sugar, salt, water, a little potato starch, and a mere hint of sodium nitrate to help Spam keep its color." Coincidentally, from my chemistry lecture earlier this evening, I found out that four grams of sodium nitrite (which is found in basically all meat products) are lethal to a human. Go preservatives!
Man: Well, what've you got?
Waitress: Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam;
Vikings: Spam spam spam spam...
Waitress: ...spam spam spam egg and spam; spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam...
Vikings: Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!
Waitress: ...or Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam.
Cant beat monty python. I got quite far and died on the 10 knights on horseback with only one cow. But i defeated tim, the black knight and the knights who say ni!
Funny game!
You can unlock the extra weapons in the game, with the product number (the number under the barcode)of cans of "SPAM ® chopped pork and ham".
Since I've never seen the actual cans of spam in the netherlands, just copy cats of diffrent brands, I had to succumb to the internet to find any kind of product number, but the only one I found, didn't work.
I can only guess this is because it was an american product number, while the game, which is hosted in brittain, requires a british code. or maybe my code was just outdated.
The nonworking code was: 037600114028
What's the link to the spamspamspam mp3?
I got it, then clicked "submit high score" and it vanished... grrrr....
Oh, and btw, love the game's atmosphere and the overall sillyness. Monty Python rules.
My only gripe is the catapult mechanics - really clumsy unintuitive. Drawing the catapult should change it's power, not angle. Also, the "drag the cow to the catapult" is misleading, since you more often than not don't need to drag anything but rather just click and it's already placed there. They should have stuck with good old.
But all in all, a fine addition. Spam spam spam spam...
That was amazing. I got to the rabbit, and the stinky French, but the darn rabbit... It was vicious. My castle layeth in tatters! Great game and it looks beautiful!
Here is a bar code that will give you a never ending supply of canned Spam to catapult.
I'm having trouble getting past the 10 knights with only one cow, I guess it just needs a lucky shot!
I think my highest score so far has been 3520 points...
Tim The Enchanter kills me every time. >_
Great game...Makes me yearn to be 12 again sneaking and watching Flying Circus on PBS...
Any ideas on if the Holy Grail (above the castle) or the numbers in the extreeme top right of the screen (Above the forest) have any use?
You can grab the screen after firing something while that object is still in the air, and fire another...You don't have to wait until the first object stops...
excalibur - 037600104029
tin of spam - 037600181716
killer rabbit - 037600209571
these barcodes have been realy helpful,due to the fact that i don't live in the UK, but i was wondering if anyone knew the code for the holy hand grenade?
Yeah, Tim always gets me too.
Well Lizard, all I can say is now I have even more motivation to be a vegetarian. But I don't think I'm about to go on an all raw food diet...
I love this game... tons of fun i made it to bonus level 2 once, but only once. Love It.
To take out tim and the 10 knights with one cow, load the cow and pull the hand all the way to the top left corner, works every time.
anyone know where i can find spam barcodes?
andrew_sad - I think if you take a look through the comments here, you'll find a good many of them.
I'm #6366 on my best try. woot!!!
I'm #1518 on my best try. woot!!!
under the bridge, click the sword to get a whale to launch
Did this one contain Oscar Wilde in it?
Vikings: Lovely spaaaaaam, wonderful spam!
Monty python is AWESOME! I just watched the DVD with that spam sketch on it earlier today, what a coincidence!
Great game, but you guys realize that it's also an advertisement for Spamalot the musical
I just found this game two days ago, and I'm addicted. Have any of you ever come across a chicken hiding behind a cow?
I got as far as 10,615 points (rank 51), and up to level 13; the funny thing is that you don't score any points after level 9, you just survive or you don't.
The most important seems to clear out your enemies with the fewest strikes possible (fortunately, failed attempts don't count). The leader of the Ni Knights can only be killed by shrubbery, and Tim seems only vulnerable to cows and hand grenades.
The bar codes for the super weapons are not assigned to a particular weapon. There are four codes: the first you enter will give you a can of (useless) spam, the second one Excalibur (the stabbed whale), the third the killer rabbit, and the fourth the hand grenade.
The codes are:
Mark's tip helped me a lot with the ten knights; as he said, just take a cow and pull the handle to the top left corner, it never fails. Tim on the other hand should be taken out with a grenade. Other tips: on level 1, pick a cow and take the cursor to the balustrade of the top left tower and line it up with the left bar of the 'k' in 'attack' - that way you take out both knights at once. On level 2, pick a donkey and put the cursor to the balustrade of the top left tower again; then wait for the first wave of arrows and adjust the hand in exactly that direction. With the Ni Knights, take the shrubbery and put the cursor into the yellow image of the castle to get all at once.
this is great and i have no idea why
also in one of the first 3 levels try
looking under the bridge for a will laugh when you launch it
I think I've found 2 Hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy references:
the number 42
whales appearing for no reason