Oh, did we not mention you're a sloth? We thought that would have been obvious.
Control your trusty balloon with the [arrow] or [WASD] keys and drop bombs with the [spacebar]. If an enemy is close enough, you'll blow them to that great big dancing ham graveyard in the sky. Some enemies require more than one bomb to destroy, while others appear on a timer or move in a unique pattern. You can keep track of them with the onscreen radar. Not only will you have to be quick to catch them all, you'll have to keep an eye on your time and the number of bombs you have left. Run out of either and you'll be one sad little sloth, and all the eucalyptus in the world won't be enough to lift your spirits.
The game consists of five big areas, each stuffed with eight stages and one boss fight. You can access each area as they become available from the main map, which is also where you can pay a visit to the upgrade store, or even the king himself, who will give you advice, or let you hone your bomb-slingin' skills on the training grounds. What's that? Oh, so a bulls-eye with legs is weird, but you have no problem with blowing up boulders to bowl over tip-toeing weasels in sailor outfits on top of a volcano.
Analysis: If you don't find something to like about Super Sloth Bomber's ultra bright and happy design, well, I don't know what to tell you. While the cartoonish visuals might not be everyone's cup of tea, here they are absolutely spot on. From the big puffy clouds (do they look like manatees to anyone else?) to the happy-go-lucky sloths themselves, it's basically sunshine in your browser. The wacky art style is easily one of the game's bigger selling points, and helps elevate the simple premise.
Because the gameplay is so simple, Super Sloth Bomber is pretty accessible. But is it too simple? It might be for some gamers. The stages don't really start demanding much from you in the area of planning until fairly late in the game. And why not allow us to go back and replay earlier stages if we want to? Maybe we really like fighting enormous terrapins, or blowing up hamburgers on mountains. Or maybe we just want to grind for some coins to purchase a new upgrade or bomb type. Sure that means some of us will sit on the same levels for hours until we have every single powerful upgrade in the shop and potentially make the game that much easier, but shouldn't that be our choice?
Still, it's hard to dislike a game about sloths, especially one as bouncy-fun and well made as this one. It probably won't take you long to complete, but you can spend a lot of time ignoring the oddball baddies and bombing the equally ridiculous terrain, too. So don't delay, young sloth. Tighten up your overalls and saddle up your balloon. Your island needs you!
Ah! Great fun, and I love how you can start with basically any upgrade and work your way up from there.
This is a FUN game! :D
Aww, cute! But it gets kinda frustrating sometimes....
Can't get past the boss crab...
Great, cute, and bombs are cathartic joy! UNTIL, that is, you get to the 4th boss. Any hints on getting the giant gelatinous bugger to
swallow the blarpin' bomb?
@smoke: what, the baby mama one? Ya gotta
get a runnin' start and slide your bombs under her belly. 'Cause it ain't HER you're aimin' at.
Wow, I enjoyed that through-and-through. No boss took more than a few attempts to figure out. All of the real difficulties can be solved by upgrades.
Except for that bleepin' jumping hand monster!
A few barely-useful tips, if you need them (don't read until you've played it some, though!):
You can save yourself a lot of trouble with the dinner plates by bombing the area where they land after the first hit. If you time it right, you can destroy all the silverware at once.
The key to those hand monsters is to drop the bomb right as it tips over the crest.
More powerful bombs are important. So is bigger bomd radius. I didn't get a single specialty bomb, or the limited-use crash helmet.
Thanks for making me stay up until 3 AM again, Dora and JayIsGames! ;-)
Thanks for the lovely comments everyone. :-) It sounds like you've all sussed the bosses now, but if you have any other questions then please ask and I'll try to answer them. It's always a relief to come on here and read people's thoughts on our games after they've been slated on Armor Games - the kids there really don't like our work! :-/
Nice one,
What about the jelly boss??
How do you get it to inhale a bomb?
[Edit:To create spoilers please use instead of [ ] ~ Greetings, Kayleigh ]
Ah yes, the jelly boss...
...the trick is to get him to inhale a bomb. The only time you can do this is as he's about to do his flame attack; you'll hear him breathe in heavily and at this point you need to drop a bomb right in front of him. Don't forget you can also pop in to the castle to talk with the king and gain a few tips! :-)
all i can say is that the Gleemoles are my new favorite enemy, ever.
does anyone know how i can replay a level without going through the "start new game" option? I can't afford all the upgrades on the first play through...
This game is a blast! Great fun!
this game absolutely sucks you in!!! It's addictive and great fun. Don't worry about the armorgames comments.
Weird. I came back from work and now the flash won't even load. What torture is this??
The same thing happened to me!!
grr, me too. I think it's a problem on armorgames' part. The game is hosted on some other sites, but it doesn't remember my progress...
The game appears to load fine for me; can you confirm whether you even get the loading screen appearing or not? I'm hoping there's just something up with the ArmorGames server...
I just checked. The bug of not loading seems to be fixed. It works fine now.
The error was possibly caused by update or an error during the update.
AN UNBELIEVABLE GAME! It's obvious that a lot of LOVE was put into this game and has a great ending! even its own music! superb! made me feel happy!!!!
Great fun, but just a little bit hard at times - especially the bosses. I beat most of them more by chance than skill, and all took several attempts. I think retrying once or twice is fine for a casual game but any more than that is going to result in people giving up.
This game would fit perfectly into "7-11 Quarter Munchers". Which is about the highest praise I can give.
And I think I actually cringed a little when I pretty handily kicked the crab boss monster and then
he called out for his really big, really ANGRY Momma!
Simply lovely! Feels like it'd fit in beautifully as a classic console/GameBoy game of yore. Shades of Toejam & Earl and Bomberman.
I hope the developers consider making an extended version and taking it commercial on their favorite console gaming platform! Or iPhone!
In the "Really Tall Tops" level, I cannot get past the noses. What am I missing? Any suggestions? Thanks!
@JakeIsGames - Cheers! The three of us grew up playing Megadrive and SNES games, and that was very much the style we had in mind when developing SSB; a high-resolution SNES game you could say. :-) I'm not sure if we'll be doing much more with SSB for a long time as we spent a huge amount of time developing it, something like 6 months in total spread out across 18 months or so, which is way too long for a Flash game, and it was extremely hard work. It's also the first Flash game that we started working on but we had to abandon development half-way through as we realised that it was going to take a few more months to finish and we just couldn't afford to do that at the time. Glad you enjoyed it though - we may yet bring it to another platform if it's received well enough! :-)
@jcfclark - There are quite a few nosecrabs on that level, so the extra bombs upgrade might help. Other than that, keep an eye on your scanner to see where they're hiding and as soon as you see one take cover then plonk a bomb nearby and that should take care of him. Best of luck!
Anyone know how to deal with the little red rubber men...
when there isn't any lava around? Like on stage six of the SS Bladeshark?
(Not sure if that was supposed to be a spoiler or not, I just know I like figuring stuff out on my own sometimes.)
Hoff...I knocked them into the water. That works just the same as the lava did.
I find the Trigger bombs work the best. I save up enough coins to buy it, then only upgrade those bombs. Trigger bombs are the best weapon against the hand monsters. Just drop it ahead in their path and here comes your coin. I love this game but that last sailor boss is hard!