An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The Last Door Chapter 4

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The Last Door Chapter 4

DoraThe final installment of season one of The Game Kitchen's popular point-and-click horror adventure series has finally been made available to everyone, and The Last Door Chapter 4 races towards its unthinkable conclusion. In Chapter One a letter from a childhood friend brought you to their seemingly abandoned estate, and Chapter Two sent you back to a place you barely remembered to search for answers you might wish you never learned, while Chapter Three continued down a dark path into the woods. Now, it seems as if our hero Devitt has finally caught up with someone who can give him answers, but at what cost? To play, just click to interact, and the changing cursor will represent the action you can try to take. Click the magnifying glass to use it to examine items you're carrying, or just click the item itself to ready it for use. You can also try to combine things you're carrying by first clicking on one item, and then another... they'll automatically merge if they're supposed to. Once you've already been through a door or other area transition, the next time you want to go through it, just double-click it and you can immediately skip to the next area instead of needing to wait for Devitt to walk there. Just make sure you have played the first three chapters before you play this, or nothing will make any sense!

The Last Door Chapter 4Chapter 4 of The Game Kitchen's wonderfully, creepily Lovecraftian horror series has a lot of work to do when it comes to wrapping up the game's story, though thankfully it does a solid job of balancing exposition and story with exploration and puzzle solving, even if most of your time is spent wandering around a location that's a bit too similar to the first chapter. While most of the gameplay is fairly logical, there's a lot of backtracking, and at least one instance where progress depends on discovering that something new has triggered in an old location for no reason whatsoever other than the game wouldn't proceed if it didn't, and you need a gruesome (if somewhat silly) solution to one of the game's puzzles. While Chapter 4 offers up jump scares like its predecessors, they're extremely well executed, and the atmosphere is heavy with tension and unsettling dread. Doctor Who fans will probably spend a while on the edge of their seat at one point. If you're expecting a lot of answers, however, you're out of luck, since this installment offers few and feels like it mostly exists to set up the second season rather than actually resolving anything. Engaging, creepy, and compelling? Yes. Satisfying from a narrative point of view? Ehhhhh. As of this writing, episode one of season two has been released, but is currently only available to people who donate, though as usual it will be released for free once the following chapter comes out. (Which, of course, is when we'll review it with you!) Though this finale might not bring quite enough answers to its eerie tale compared to the questions it raises, it's as beautifully executed a piece of Lovecraftian style horror as ever, and perfect for playing with the lights down and the sound up.

Play The Last Door Chapter 4

Walkthrough Guide

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The Last Door: Chapter 4 Walkthrough


  1. You begin the game inside of a Basement. Click Devitt, the man sitting in the chair.

  2. Click the table at the left side of the room.

  3. Click Devitt a second time.

  4. After the credits, the scene will change to the inside of a train, playing as the doctor. Ask all of the available questions to complete the scene.

Explore the Upper Floor of the Manor

  1. Walk left to exit the forest and approach the manor.

  2. Click the front door once to knock and then a second time to open it, then go inside.

  3. When you enter the Foyer, take a few steps in any direction to hear a noise upstairs.

  4. Inspect the grandfather clock beside the stairway. Note that it's missing one of the hands on the face of the clock.

  5. Click the stairs to go up to the Hallway.

  6. Go through the open door near the top of the stairs to enter the Bedroom.

  7. Click Alexandre to try to speak with him. Select all the available dialogue options.

  8. Next, read the note on top of the bed at the left side of the room.

  9. Inspect the cuckoo clock hanging on the wall to the right of the door.

    • Note that the clock is missing the cuckoo bird and that the face of the clock has been rotated left 90 degrees.

  10. Exit the room to return to the Hallway.

  11. Click the archway on the right side of the screen to walk to the right half of the Hallway.

  12. Examine the chest under the portrait of the old man.

    • Open the lid and take the IRON HOOK inside to add it to your inventory.

    • You will also discover a note with the hook.

Collect the First Half of the Photo Development Materials

  1. Walk through the first door on your right to enter the Photo Lab Room.

  2. Inspect the shattered red glass on the floor. It was used to cover the lightbulb during development of the photographs.

  3. Take the jar of CYANIDE from the table.

  4. Read the paper on the floor at the right end of the room.

    • Note the instructions to develop a positive on the second page:

    • The first step is vitriol.

    • The second step is cyanide.

    • The third step is water.

  5. Exit the room and walk to door at the end of the hall to enter the Study.

  6. Look inside the fireplace to find the black ENVELOPE.

    • Inspect the item in your inventory to find that it can't be opened under white light.

  7. Read the letter on the corner of the desk and the invoice on the left side of the desk.

    • Note the important information on the invoice:

    • The cuckoo clock will only sound at a quarter past six in the afternoon.

    • All of the cuckoo clocks in the house have been synchronized.

  8. Exit the room, walk all the way left, then click the stairway to go downstairs. From there, walk through the archway into the Living Room.

Explore the Lower Floor and Outside of the Manor

  1. Open the door at the left end of the Living Room and enter the Basement.

  2. Take the glowing oil LAMP from the table at the center of the dark room.

  3. Walk to the left side of the room and read the diary on the table.

  4. Open the door at the right side of the room to go outside to the Backyard.

  5. Click the well once to inspect it, then a second time to take the broken ROPE.

    • Combine the ROPE and HOOK in your inventory.

    • Use the HOOK & ROPE on the well to fish out the bucket, where you'll find the BIRD inside.

  6. Open the small side door at the right end of the wall to reach the front yard.

Collect the Second Half of the Photo Development Materials

  1. Walk right to the entrance of the Greenhouse.

  2. Examine the iron bar in front of the Greenhouse door on the right side of the screen. Click the bar again to remove it.

  3. Open the door and enter the Greenhouse.

    • Walk all the way right to the end of the room.

    • Pick up the bottle of VITRIOL oil on the pedestal between the angel statues.

  4. Exit the Greenhouse and re-enter the manor through the front door.

  5. Go upstairs and return to the Photo Lab Room.

  6. Now that you have the LAMP in your inventory, you can click the other lamp hanging from the ceiling and remove the LIGHTBULB.

  7. Walk back downstairs and exit the manor through the front door once again.

  8. Follow the right path between the trees to enter the forest.

  9. Move right until you find the corpse of the deer beside the ruins.

  10. Use the LIGHTBULB on the deer's blood to coat the bulb red.

  11. Return to the manor and go upstairs to the Photo Lab Room.

Develop the Photograph

  1. Once inside the Photo Lab Room, place the blood LIGHTBULB into the lamp hanging from the ceiling.

  2. The room will now be lit red, making it safe for you to use the black ENVELOPE on the sink, which reveals the photo plate.

  3. Follow the instructions from the chemistry recipe page on the floor of this room.

    • First, pour the VITRIOL on the plate.

    • Next, use the CYANIDE on the photo plate.

    • Lastly, click the sink faucet to rinse the plate with water.

  4. After you finish developing, the PHOTO is added to your inventory.

  5. Exit the Photo Lab Room and return to the Bedroom.

Fix the Cuckoo Clocks

  1. When you enter the Bedroom, show the PHOTO to Alexandre.

  2. Pick up the CLOCK HAND that Alexandre drops on the floor beside his wheelchair.

  3. Put the BIRD from your inventory into the cuckoo clock on the wall.

  4. Exit the Bedroom and walk downstairs.

  5. Attach the CLOCK HAND from your inventory to the grandfather clock beside the stairway.

  6. Click the grandfather clock to take a closer look.

    • Set the grandfather clock to the correct time to sound the cuckoo alarm:

      • Remember the invoice from the Study? It said that the cuckoo clock will only go off if the time is set to a quarter past six, or 6:15.

      • Keep in mind that the clocks are synchronized and that the cuckoo clock upstairs is rotated 90 degrees left.

      • Therefore, the grandfather clock needs to be altered 90 degrees to the right!

        • Click the left side of the clock to move the hands clockwise or the right side of the clock to move the hands counter-clockwise.

        • Set the time to 3:00, then click the small lever on the right to submit your solution.

  7. If you entered the correct time, you should hear the cuckoo clock from upstairs.

  8. Go back up to the Bedroom.

Explore the Cellar & Search the Grave

  1. Pick up the cuckoo BIRD on the floor behind Alexandre's wheelchair.

    • Look inside the BIRD to find a KEY.

  2. Leave the bedroom and go downstairs. Exit the manor through the front door, then walk left to the Backyard.

  3. Use the KEY to open the cellar doors under the window, then click to go down inside.

  4. Walk left to the cupboard.

    • Open the drawer to find the SHOVEL.

  5. Leave the Cellar to return to the Backyard. Go to the grave on the left side of the yard.

  6. Use the SHOVEL to dig up the dirt, then click the dug up grave to look inside.

    • Pour the bottle of VITRIOL acid on the padlock to burn through the lock.

    • Examine the skeleton of "Old Mike" and read the paper leaf at the lower right corner of the crate.

    • Take the rolled up CANVAS from the skeleton's hand.

      • Click the item in your inventory to view the constellation map.

      • Note the large square points in the three constellations that make up the "Summer Triangle".

  7. Walk a few steps towards the house until you hear Alexandre's scream.

Find & Use the Telescope

  1. Go back inside the manor and up the stairs to the Bedroom.

  2. Read the diary pages on the seat of Alexandre's wheelchair.

  3. Click the open windows to go out to the balcony.

  4. Take the CRISTAL lens from the angel statue's hands.

  5. Leave the room and go all the way back to the Cellar.

    • After taking a few steps to the left while inside the cellar, you should hear a loud noise in the distance.

  6. Go all the way left to the end of the room. Click the small doorway to enter the Laboratory.

  7. Read the book on the corner of the table beside the door.

  8. Walk to the right side of the room. Look carefully behind the desk in the middle of the archway to find a hidden doorway.

  9. Click the hidden doorway to enter the Observatory.

  10. Read the letter inside the envelope on the ground, located in the lower right area of the room.

  11. Attach the Cristal lens to the telescope.

    • Before you click the telescope, examine the CANVAS if you haven't already!

  12. Once you're ready, click the telescope to look through the lens.

    • Select the three correct stars in the sky to locate the Summer Triangle seen on the constellation map.

    • After the puzzle is solved, note the three symbols besides the stars of the Summer Triangle.

  13. Click the desk beside the telescope for a close-up view of the lock.

    • Select the three symbols of the summer triangle and enter them into the corresponding places on the lock.

  14. Take the SYRINGE from the opened desk.

  15. Click the pit in the middle of the floor to climb down.


  1. Once you reach the bottom of the pit, show the SYRINGE to Alexandre.

  2. Click the chair to sit down.

  3. Give Alexandre the SYRINGE from your inventory.

  4. Walk to the right through the fog until you reach Alexandre.


I feel that I am still in the first stages of the game, but here is what I found in rough order. NO DIRECTIONS GIVEN!!!

4 cut scenes
front door
side room
oil lamp
side yard
side gate
dark envelope
light bulb
picked UP the cyanide
iron hook
cuckoo bird
Mental Block. HELP PLEASE.



Combine the hook with the rope

...and then...

Use it on the well

For the dark envelope and the light bulb...

Go outside and back towards where you started in the woods, you will encounter a dead deer

Use the light bulb on the dear to make the bulb red

Take the bulb back to the dark room and install it... you can then work with the dark envelope


The Last Door: Chapter 4 Walkthrough


  1. You begin the game inside of a Basement. Click Devitt, the man sitting in the chair.

  2. Click the table at the left side of the room.

  3. Click Devitt a second time.

  4. After the credits, the scene will change to the inside of a train, playing as the doctor. Ask all of the available questions to complete the scene.

Explore the Upper Floor of the Manor

  1. Walk left to exit the forest and approach the manor.

  2. Click the front door once to knock and then a second time to open it, then go inside.

  3. When you enter the Foyer, take a few steps in any direction to hear a noise upstairs.

  4. Inspect the grandfather clock beside the stairway. Note that it's missing one of the hands on the face of the clock.

  5. Click the stairs to go up to the Hallway.

  6. Go through the open door near the top of the stairs to enter the Bedroom.

  7. Click Alexandre to try to speak with him. Select all the available dialogue options.

  8. Next, read the note on top of the bed at the left side of the room.

  9. Inspect the cuckoo clock hanging on the wall to the right of the door.

    • Note that the clock is missing the cuckoo bird and that the face of the clock has been rotated left 90 degrees.

  10. Exit the room to return to the Hallway.

  11. Click the archway on the right side of the screen to walk to the right half of the Hallway.

  12. Examine the chest under the portrait of the old man.

    • Open the lid and take the IRON HOOK inside to add it to your inventory.

    • You will also discover a note with the hook.

Collect the First Half of the Photo Development Materials

  1. Walk through the first door on your right to enter the Photo Lab Room.

  2. Inspect the shattered red glass on the floor. It was used to cover the lightbulb during development of the photographs.

  3. Take the jar of CYANIDE from the table.

  4. Read the paper on the floor at the right end of the room.

    • Note the instructions to develop a positive on the second page:

    • The first step is vitriol.

    • The second step is cyanide.

    • The third step is water.

  5. Exit the room and walk to door at the end of the hall to enter the Study.

  6. Look inside the fireplace to find the black ENVELOPE.

    • Inspect the item in your inventory to find that it can't be opened under white light.

  7. Read the letter on the corner of the desk and the invoice on the left side of the desk.

    • Note the important information on the invoice:

    • The cuckoo clock will only sound at a quarter past six in the afternoon.

    • All of the cuckoo clocks in the house have been synchronized.

  8. Exit the room, walk all the way left, then click the stairway to go downstairs. From there, walk through the archway into the Living Room.

Explore the Lower Floor and Outside of the Manor

  1. Open the door at the left end of the Living Room and enter the Basement.

  2. Take the glowing oil LAMP from the table at the center of the dark room.

  3. Walk to the left side of the room and read the diary on the table.

  4. Open the door at the right side of the room to go outside to the Backyard.

  5. Click the well once to inspect it, then a second time to take the broken ROPE.

    • Combine the ROPE and HOOK in your inventory.

    • Use the HOOK & ROPE on the well to fish out the bucket, where you'll find the BIRD inside.

  6. Open the small side door at the right end of the wall to reach the front yard.

Collect the Second Half of the Photo Development Materials

  1. Walk right to the entrance of the Greenhouse.

  2. Examine the iron bar in front of the Greenhouse door on the right side of the screen. Click the bar again to remove it.

  3. Open the door and enter the Greenhouse.

    • Walk all the way right to the end of the room.

    • Pick up the bottle of VITRIOL oil on the pedestal between the angel statues.

  4. Exit the Greenhouse and re-enter the manor through the front door.

  5. Go upstairs and return to the Photo Lab Room.

  6. Now that you have the LAMP in your inventory, you can click the other lamp hanging from the ceiling and remove the LIGHTBULB.

  7. Walk back downstairs and exit the manor through the front door once again.

  8. Follow the right path between the trees to enter the forest.

  9. Move right until you find the corpse of the deer beside the ruins.

  10. Use the LIGHTBULB on the deer's blood to coat the bulb red.

  11. Return to the manor and go upstairs to the Photo Lab Room.

Develop the Photograph

  1. Once inside the Photo Lab Room, place the blood LIGHTBULB into the lamp hanging from the ceiling.

  2. The room will now be lit red, making it safe for you to use the black ENVELOPE on the sink, which reveals the photo plate.

  3. Follow the instructions from the chemistry recipe page on the floor of this room.

    • First, pour the VITRIOL on the plate.

    • Next, use the CYANIDE on the photo plate.

    • Lastly, click the sink faucet to rinse the plate with water.

  4. After you finish developing, the PHOTO is added to your inventory.

  5. Exit the Photo Lab Room and return to the Bedroom.

Fix the Cuckoo Clocks

  1. When you enter the Bedroom, show the PHOTO to Alexandre.

  2. Pick up the CLOCK HAND that Alexandre drops on the floor beside his wheelchair.

  3. Put the BIRD from your inventory into the cuckoo clock on the wall.

  4. Exit the Bedroom and walk downstairs.

  5. Attach the CLOCK HAND from your inventory to the grandfather clock beside the stairway.

  6. Click the grandfather clock to take a closer look.

    • Set the grandfather clock to the correct time to sound the cuckoo alarm:

      • Remember the invoice from the Study? It said that the cuckoo clock will only go off if the time is set to a quarter past six, or 6:15.

      • Keep in mind that the clocks are synchronized and that the cuckoo clock upstairs is rotated 90 degrees left.

      • Therefore, the grandfather clock needs to be altered 90 degrees to the right!

        • Click the left side of the clock to move the hands clockwise or the right side of the clock to move the hands counter-clockwise.

        • Set the time to 3:00, then click the small lever on the right to submit your solution.

  7. If you entered the correct time, you should hear the cuckoo clock from upstairs.

  8. Go back up to the Bedroom.

Explore the Cellar & Search the Grave

  1. Pick up the cuckoo BIRD on the floor behind Alexandre's wheelchair.

    • Look inside the BIRD to find a KEY.

  2. Leave the bedroom and go downstairs. Exit the manor through the front door, then walk left to the Backyard.

  3. Use the KEY to open the cellar doors under the window, then click to go down inside.

  4. Walk left to the cupboard.

    • Open the drawer to find the SHOVEL.

  5. Leave the Cellar to return to the Backyard. Go to the grave on the left side of the yard.

  6. Use the SHOVEL to dig up the dirt, then click the dug up grave to look inside.

    • Pour the bottle of VITRIOL acid on the padlock to burn through the lock.

    • Examine the skeleton of "Old Mike" and read the paper leaf at the lower right corner of the crate.

    • Take the rolled up CANVAS from the skeleton's hand.

      • Click the item in your inventory to view the constellation map.

      • Note the large square points in the three constellations that make up the "Summer Triangle".

  7. Walk a few steps towards the house until you hear Alexandre's scream.

Find & Use the Telescope

  1. Go back inside the manor and up the stairs to the Bedroom.

  2. Read the diary pages on the seat of Alexandre's wheelchair.

  3. Click the open windows to go out to the balcony.

  4. Take the CRISTAL lens from the angel statue's hands.

  5. Leave the room and go all the way back to the Cellar.

    • After taking a few steps to the left while inside the cellar, you should hear a loud noise in the distance.

  6. Go all the way left to the end of the room. Click the small doorway to enter the Laboratory.

  7. Read the book on the corner of the table beside the door.

  8. Walk to the right side of the room. Look carefully behind the desk in the middle of the archway to find a hidden doorway.

  9. Click the hidden doorway to enter the Observatory.

  10. Read the letter inside the envelope on the ground, located in the lower right area of the room.

  11. Attach the Cristal lens to the telescope.

    • Before you click the telescope, examine the CANVAS if you haven't already!

  12. Once you're ready, click the telescope to look through the lens.

    • Select the three correct stars in the sky to locate the Summer Triangle seen on the constellation map.

    • After the puzzle is solved, note the three symbols besides the stars of the Summer Triangle.

  13. Click the desk beside the telescope for a close-up view of the lock.

    • Select the three symbols of the summer triangle and enter them into the corresponding places on the lock.

  14. Take the SYRINGE from the opened desk.

  15. Click the pit in the middle of the floor to climb down.


  1. Once you reach the bottom of the pit, show the SYRINGE to Alexandre.

  2. Click the chair to sit down.

  3. Give Alexandre the SYRINGE from your inventory.

  4. Walk to the right through the fog until you reach Alexandre.


How exciting! I must play the other games again, though, because I can't remember all the details. If you're in that boat, you're not alone.

kevinsmellls November 8, 2014 4:51 PM

Just finished, I always look forward to new entries in this series.
5/5 creepy pixelated paintings.


THAT was Insane and intense. I think I understand the goal of the protagonists.

They want to visit another dimension, but the unseen friends think that visiting the other dimension will tear open a hole that anything over THERE can cross whenever THEY want, am I close?

Also, the jump scare

after the photo really appears to not belong in this game. How did they leave and return? Why did they leave then return? Are they humans with rat masks, or humanoid beings with literal rat heads?


Is it me, or does the text respond with 'incorrect' for all tries for the last puzzle, including the correct answer?


Is it me or is this installment quite a bit more ... pedestrian than the rest?

tullia November 9, 2014 1:43 AM replied to Shudog

Shudog, it worked for me. Did you

activate the stars in the telescope view? Perhaps the lock doesn't work unless you do that first. Or did you mean the telescope puzzle? The star for Deneb, the upper left one, was harder to place from its position on the canvas, but it worked for me — both the telescope puzzle and the lock.

Shudog November 9, 2014 8:34 AM replied to tullia

No, in the telescope view, I pressed the exact stars and the text continually said "That's not the triangle." I actually had it correct the first time, but kept trying because of the text.

Thunderous November 10, 2014 9:00 PM

Really, despite the somewhat compelling story, it just feels like we've done this all before. Same dark atmosphere, same Victorian setting, same house, same puzzles. It all feels very samey and claustrophobic. And the story. I won't even comment on it, but there's so much ambiguity in this series. I won't say that I need plot spelled out for me, but it is both ambiguous and not at all, if that makes any sense.

Actually the puzzles this time are kind of irritating at times. I got caught on a couple which I won't go into detail about, but rest assured I was annoyed once I discovered they were triggered by simply walking around.

Personally, I don't really see where any of this is going. The idea that they're doing this episodic thing in "seasons" doesn't even really give them any incentive to bring their story to a satisfying conclusion. Taken as a whole, the story/gameplay arc just doesn't really go anywhere. Creepy things happen in houses. I suppose I'm being glib but while the atmosphere is nice, atmosphere will only take you so far and The Game Kitchen hasn't really done much to make this a must-play.


Just caught up with this series, doing my first play through every game over the last few days. I love this series so far. Obviously great atmosphere, amazing sound especially (though I'm not someone who normally pays much attention to soundtracks or fx). And there's just something about pixellated horror adventures (Deep Sleep series anyone?).


I agree the gameplay interfered with story a bit here, because when I think about the story I find no glaring defects except for a minor, pacing-related one. I agree with others that navigating the mist could have been more intuitive (once you've met the requirements to do so). I was very lucky it only took me two tries. Maybe some help with what parts of the poem to pay attention to? I found it interesting in the comments for LD3 (previous game) that some people had probs figuring out what to do with the musical score, but I see no comments from anyone who had trouble figuring out what to do with this game's light bulb in the photo lab??? I had no trouble with the former but the latter... Even with the "clue" on the floor, I doubt I'd ever have figured that one out without looking at the walkthrough kindly posted above. And I had seen the place to use it already! T_T


I don't mind the leisurely pacing of these stories stretched over different "seasons" since that's all part of the atmosphere, but I did see a minor pacing problem in this particular chapter. If there was more going on in the slums (I saw a lot of potential there personally), it would have been fine, but for how little happened, I thought that part went on too long. The fortune telling scene was great though, and the oil scrawls on the walls will hopefully connect to whatever the rat-headed people and "sleep" themes are about. (Holy crud how many horror games reference lucid dreaming lately though, lol)

I *LOVED* that there were further references to the same creature one of the patients in the hospital described in LD3 before falling asleep (shadows and the feel of treebark). I had been watching for the rest of the game for that to come up, haha. If I'm not mistaken, this might also connect to the man in the library this time who spoke of reading "shadow words" in the dark. I'm looking forward to more.

Jump Scares

...were largely awesome. :D

A lot of them-- like the second look through the keyhole-- I kind of expected and steeled myself for but they were still startling (as with the previous games). The bits with the "hide and seek woman" and after the photo took me *competely* by surprise and had me gasping in fright. Right now I feel like this chapter had the best scares. Only LD1's "crows in the kitchen" homage to The Birds was on the level of these, at least that I can recall at the moment. :)

kevinsmellls November 14, 2014 12:06 AM replied to Thunderous

It does feel like it's been done before
...three times before, in fact, almost like it's some fourth part in a series or something like that...

All joking aside, I do agree with you that the series can feel samey, and the puzzles a little obtuse, but I think pixelly flash game horror doesn't get much better than this (at least that I know of for now.)

I feel like flash games are very much about doing relatively a lot with a little, and The Last Door series kind of fits that, at least for me.

The pixelated graphics, the way the minimal glimpse of plots reflect (hopefully) a larger story, even the length of the games is nice.

I do also agree with you that the Game Kitchen hasn't really done much to make this a "must play," however I guess I'd put forth that that perhaps wasn't their goal.


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