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The Sea of Glomp

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Rating: 4.5/5 (599 votes)
Comments (74) | Views (20,379)

JohnBThe Sea of GlompThe Sea of Glomp is an adventure- themed Flash game created by Paul Kramm that draws heavy inspiration from old-style adventure games such as ... Adventure! You play a young fish whose egg has been stolen by a creature that looks like a bat. An underwater bat. You set out on a quest to find the egg, a task that takes you through some of the strangest parts of the sea you could imagine.

This is an old-school figure-it-out-yourself adventure, meaning once you start playing the game, you're on your own. Tutorials won't magically appear telling you how to progress, you just have to experiment and see what happens. This leads to remarkably open-ended gameplay and more than one possible solution to most of the puzzles.

The Sea of GlompI won't ruin any of the game in this review, as part of the fun of Sea of Glomp is wrapping your head around the mysteries and finding creative solutions to each problem. If you're stuck, try exploring other parts of the sea for clues. And remember that your chomp ability does more than bite, you can also use it to pick things up and carry them around...

Analysis: Sea of Glomp really pulled me in with its imaginitive creations, gorgeous visuals and fun gameplay ideas. Little touches like biting the fish hook and having to swim to a new body when you die bring a smile to your face, and figuring out puzzles is a challenge I was always happy to undertake.

On the down side, navigating the massive sea can be a chore, as you're never quite sure what's an obstacle and what's part of the foreground. The solution? Swim forth and see if you bump into it. As always, Sea of Glomp encourages you to try things out in order to see the results. Unfortunately for gamers who weren't raised on the tough-as-nails adventure games of yore, frustration may set in early on. If you stick with it, though, Sea of Glomp won't fail to reward you.

Inventive, compelling and stuffed with creative ideas. Welcome back, nostalgic adventuring!

Play Sea of Glomp

Cheers to Mandypoo and Brendan for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Sea of Glomp Walkthrough

Firstly may I congratulate Paul Kramm on this game. It's wasted at least 5 days of my life as it was so compelling. If you really want to experience the challenge don't read any further. This is only for those who need help.


Bat steals your egg and you need to get it back to its original position


  • You have lots of objects to find and these are located in all different areas. There is the west sea, the sky, the cloud maze, the space maze with the space ship, the coral maze (with the sea above and the 1st cave/dragons lair), the east sea, the stomach maze, and the 2nd cave maze!!

  • Some of the objects are essential to completing the task. There are approx 3 items per area to be discovered.

  • This is going to take you some time to crack as there is lots of looping involved.


  • The Bat moves all the objects around on a random basis, this can either be annoying (mostly) or helpful depending on what gets moved where and when. However it only swaps items around it doesn't hide them in the original location where an item has been recovered from and moved.

  • The 3 Dragons appear separately or together in different screens.

  • The Mazes can be tricky because whilst there is a logic to the flow its not a direct one; eg. moving left out of one page may throw you into another page completely. It does all fit together but not quite how you are expecting it to.

  • There are 4 different starting layouts.


  • There is more than one way to get your egg back. Essential are the magnet and the sword (or Cutlass) and you will also need the vertical funneling device and a key in most cases.

  • A useful start is to try and open one of the chests with the relevant key (although this probably won't be the first thing you find/be able to get hold of). The chests are areas where you can safely store your objects and rest(effectively pause the game). Without the chest the random bat is going to keep stealing your essentials.

  • You ideally want to locate the magnet and the sword and carry the 2 around together. The sword gets rid of the dragons and the magnet attracts items from any location on the screen. There are at least 3 locations where you cannot retrieve the item without the magnet. Carrying the 2 together is time consuming but better than having to wait for the dragon to disappear from a screen. NB If you are quick on you controls you can sometimes retrieve some items by racing in and racing out past the dragon without the sword - but this is not easy.

  • I recommend finding one of the warp portals and placing this in the open chest. This guarantees that:

    1. It doesn't get taken

    2. You have a safe place to travel to at least at one end.

    3. May get you to an area you have yet to discover.

    4. If you get super lucky and the other portal is taken to the Dragons cave area, you can quickly travel back and forwards with the magnet and sword, retrieve the egg and return. This is the quickest way to win but has its dangers in that the warp portal might get moved by the bat before you can get through and if you haven't opened the metal gate previously you could be stuck.

  • I also recommend collecting the retrieved items in the chest and leave one or 2 non essential items above it. This then becomes your 'base' and you can start using the bats random behaviour to bring new items to you rather than have it stealing your essential ones.


  • Magnet

  • Sword or Cutlass

  • Vertical Funnel

  • 2 or 3 Keys

  • Highly useful = warp portals


  • mini sword is above octopus

  • green key in the stomoch of "belly"

  • blue key is in the chest in the sky

  • red key in cave

  • vertical funnel in volcano

  • horizontal funnel in chest above eels

  • big sword in starting area chest

  • warp portal 1 in heart of "belly"

  • warp portal 2 in sky


  1. Go to the coral maze and then find the cave within to the dragons lair. Here you will find the metal gate.

  2. Use the funnel to go through this and then swim into the button on the screen below. This opens the shutter to the key lock on the screen above.

  3. Use the correct colour of key and the metal gate will move/open. If the bat moves the funneling device this is now not a problem.

  4. Go to the lair and retrieve the egg with the magnet and sword. Note: A quick way to do this is to take the 2nd warp portal and then move everything you require through it. You cannot move items through the funnel so you have to open the gate (unless you have a scenario as described in point 4 above)


  • Use the diagonal move/arrows to get into the cloud maze which incidentally can only be seen after visiting the waterfall whilst flying.

  • Avoid carrying the magnet and funneling device together by the edge of a screen. The program can stop/crash (very frustrating - have to start allover again)

  • Eat a fish to gain life

  • Find a heart (or 2) as this gives you double/triple life energy

  • You need 3 stones to fill the bucket

I haven't worked out what all items do. There are the obvious ones like the Viking helmet which reduces damage but most (if they each have a purpose) are not essential to completing the task.

I could go on about how to navigate each maze but that would
1. Make playing the game pointless
2. Waste another 5 days of my life



I got the

wings that were in the boat

but I can't figure out how to

get rid of them



I've played this game before, and I must say it's an incredibly hard, yet addicting, game. On Newgrounds, the author even said that the game is meant to be frustrating difficult, to appeal to the more hardcore gamers. Though this may seem to contradict the purpose of a site called "Casual Gameplay," the game is one of the best games of it's type that I have ever seen.



To get back in the water after getting the wings

go the left-est screen with the squiggly plant w/ waving tentacles near the surface. It will grab you and pull you back under, but you lose the wings


Shaun: who says casual games cant be hardcore, and who says casual gamers cant play some hardcore games from time to time ;)

I cant figure out a thing to do except

find the wings and grab the item up in the sky


So far I've found:

A bucket
A bone
A key (but I can't get it and get away without getting killed)
Two Stones/lumps of coal
A pipe which blows bubbles
A coin
A sword (which seems to frighten the dragons away)
A joystick controller
and a large thing that says 'use at your peril' or something like that

What on earth do I do with any of it?!

Lilorfnannie August 30, 2007 7:31 PM

I managed to find a bunch of items- I found a bucket, a fish skeleton, a rock, several keys (not a key to any item I could find though), a sand shovel, a Viking helmet, a sword. No idea what to do with any of them. Found a maze, with an exit leading to some other part of the ocean. There, I got swallowed by a lantern-fish, and went through the maze in it's innards- pretty cool! That's as far as I got so far, though.


I've noticed that the items that appear can vary, for no particular reason (yes, i was playing the same difficulty level).

for instance:

the area with the key held a sword the first time i played. the shovel i found the first time was not there the second time i played

i guess this is part of the deliberately frustrating aspect, huh? lol


hmm, how do you defeat those dragon type monsers going around?


also, do not go to the left of that flower type thing near the beginning as there is a bug where you get stuck if you go up that way.

mmacvicar August 30, 2007 9:02 PM

I finally did something in the game

First swim to surface and as far right as you can go (screen x=4,y=4). Under the waterfall, bite the green plant with the white roots. One of the roots should move.

Then swim down one screen (4,3). Swim through the jellyfish, avoiding them, and down the right hand exit on the bottom to (4,2). There is a camouflaged cave entrance on the right (I didn't spot it the first time I was on this screen), swim into it.

In the caverns, I haven't found much to do. Follow the left hand wall until you find the exit.

In this second sea zone, swim down to pick up the coal (there is also a fishbone). Swim right two screens to get the bucket. Swim up two screens to put the bucket on the hook. just touching the hook while holding the bucket attaches bucket, same for the coal. And, Nothing happened. I suspect I need a key or more stuff.


Those dragon-type monsters seem to respond to the

knife. Whenever it's in the screen, the monster will move away from you whether you're holding it or not.


I think that the reasons that everything changes is because the bat creature picks things up and moves them to different locations.

For this reason, I started to make a pile of things, thinking that eventually the bat creature will bring the egg back there...but I haven't survived long enough to see if this works.

What I haven't figured out is...

how to get the little electric plank in the left part of the maze to wor so that I can so down...I have run around (dieing) and I still haven't found the on switch...


annoying maze alert!!


so far i've collected an extra heart, gotten the red lock and the blue chest open, got the diamond and set up the bucket with rocks in, and I think I know what to do with the wrench, but the bat's got it now! what should I do next? I also haven't found the coin, and I can't find the controller anymore - I saw it once, and now I can't get back


Another secret maze...

Get wings, fly to the surface of the water, and go all the way to the right, staying at the surface. When you get under the waterfall, go up one screen.

Question: how do you get stuff from the sky to the water? the only way I can get to the water is to get killed!


Hmm... looks like it's map making time!
Very cool stuff.
As a down side, this seems like way too large a game not to have a save option.


Here's my contribution to the confusion:

Way to the bottom right, past the first maze of rusty pipes, you'll find a cave opening with a gate in front of it. Use the red key (which I think should be nearby to the left) to unlock it. Now you have to raise the gate. You can attach the bucket to a hook a few screens up. Dropping rocks into the bucket will eventually make the bucket heavy enough to pulley the gate open. I don't now how many rocks you need, because one of them is above the pulley system and you need to get past the electric eels to get it. Since you drop anything you're holding when you get hit, I end up dying while trying to bring that rock back to the bucket. Most annoying.


You can heal yourself

By eating medium size fish (or butterflies when in the sky).


the first problem I see is that when you die, you immediately start at the highest screen relative to where you die.

unfortunately, if you die early, that means you restart in a minefield, and can very easily die immediately again.

The game should be more forgiving, for how difficult it is, but otherwise it's decent (can't win for the life of me)


A hint about the item that says "use at your own risk":

looks like a funnel doesn't it?

try swimming through it...

through walls.


That bat seems to carry just about anything, including a pair of portals. I swam through one he brought, but by the time I swam back the other way, it had moved again. Took me a while to find my way back out of the new area.
Also, anybody else noticed that there can be more than one dragon? I saw three different colors at the same time once.

Dreams_of_Fury August 31, 2007 1:45 PM

Items I found out

Magnet = Attracts items
Knife = Scares away monsters
Warphole = Transpoerts you to another dimension
Funnel = Swim trough walls
Fish = Restore Health
Piranha = extra life
Heart = Extra Health

mmacvicar August 31, 2007 2:24 PM


So far I've seen three different dragons: red, yellow and green. If this game is like "Adventure" you should be able to kill them with the sword, but right now they just run away.


Also, I've noticed the Bat moves a lot of stuff, including dragons. After playing the game twice, not many things were in the same place both times.


I'm currently building a map of every area in the game. I'll put it up as soon as it's done.

Also, additional items I've located/defined.

the helmet reduces the damage you take by half

the 'swirly portal' will teleport you to the location of the other swirly portal.


Woooo! I beat it! Because the items are in random places and the bat seems to carry them all around it makes items hard to find but here is list of items you need to beat the game:

Some of the keys (you need to open the doors)
Bucket and 3 rocks from near it to get the gate open
Vertical "Use at your own" risk pipe (to get through gate in gave)
Knife is also useful to scare the dragons
Teleports are useful to get one place to another
Some extra hearts will also come handy

mmacvicar August 31, 2007 2:41 PM

green key

If you can find the green key, you can open a green chest in the sky to get the blue key. I currently have no reliable way to find the green key because the bat keeps moving it around.

mmacvicar August 31, 2007 6:19 PM

Wow, I finally got to the point where I can see my lost egg, :) ...but I can't get to it :(

partial walkthrough
green chest:

first get the green key. I beleive it's starting position is in the belly of the purple worm, but bat might change that. Using the_corruptor's maps, go through shoals, to west side, then to belly. Find your way into the stomach organ to get the green key.
Go to the sky and open the green chest to get the blue key.

Blue lock/gate:

with the blue key, go to west side and open the blue lock above the gate.
Then put the bucket on the hook two screens up from the gate. Then collect coal rocks from west side next to the sunken boat, next to where the bucket was, and on the railing in the top middle screen. Put the rocks in the bucket and the gate will open.

Blue chest:

After opening the gate, take the blue key and a sword with you into the caves. To reach the blue chest from the first cave screen, go down 2 screens, right 1 screen, up 2 screens, over an outcropping and down 2 screen then right 1 screen. The chest will be at the end of coral maze. This will give you the red key.

The Depths:

To get through the depths you have to have opened the caves. From the first cave screen, go down 2 screen, right 1 screen, then down again to enter a fiery pit. Swim to the bottom and grab the vertical funnel.
Take the funnel all the way back to the depths, along with a sword and the red key. Use the vertical funnel to get past the gate blocking your path, press the button to open the control panel , then use the red key to start the gate moving.
The only reason to open this gate is so that you can carry a sword with you, to scare off any dragons.

The egg

Swim through the depths to the end to find your egg. But wait, there's a big dragon guarding it that pushes you off the screen so you can't reach it.
I don't know how to get the egg. The little sword didn't seem to have any effect, and I can't think of any objects that would act like a shield or prevent you from being blown away.

Lilorfnannie August 31, 2007 11:16 PM

There is a whole lot of stuff up there in the sky, that is not on the map. There is even

"heaven's gate", that seems to take a green key!!

I found the green key- but how do you get the fish up to the sky, still holding the key? The only way I know of to get to the sky is to

bite the worm & fishhook

but I don't seem to be able to do that AND hold a key.


my question is
how do you use the items you find?

is there a special button, or just swim to the correct spot?


You just have to swim to the correct spot. I'm really getting frustrated. Does anyone know what to do with the

pipe (as in smoking pipe)

Here's what I've done:

I've gone into every area that is on those maps, so far. But I've also used the teleport things to get into some sort of completely dark cave. There are two dragons in this one at the moment.

In the many different instances when i've played this game, I've found:

A knife
A red key
a blue key
an eye patch
a pocket watch
a pipe
a shovel
fish bones
a bone
a heart (yay!)
a +1 life thing (yay!)
something that looks like a ball of string,
a whole bunch of gems
a vertical swimming-through-walls-enabler
a horizontal swimming-through-walls-enabler

...and much much more....

Just to let everyone know:

The colors of each lock and the placement of not only the keys but EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE GAME is different every single time you play!


Oh well. It's addicting, so I'll keep playing. :P


anyone how to get past the gate is the sky i got a key but it wont fit. its a place in the maze in outerspace

to get there get wings, go to the surface of the ocean, keep right till your at the waterfall and go to the weird portal under it

Bill Shubert September 1, 2007 3:03 PM

Here's some stuff I've learned that I don't see above:

How to get the item near where you start, guarded by the fish:

Drop the knife in the area with the fish. This makes the fish swim forwards. Once it is near you, swim past; he'll bit you but you'll make it if you have 2 hearts. Grab the item, swim back. You'll get bitten and drop it. But then, by healing then returning each time, you can get the item further and further until you can get it.

How to keep the bat away from your stuff:

Put your stuff in a chest. The bat doesn't go there. But leave out some worthless things; the bat will make trades, sometimes you get lucky and get something useful.

How to get stuff into the air with you when you fly:

Drop the things at the very top of the water. Then when you fly, you can fly down and grab them.

Overall a nifty game. I've seen the egg now, but can't get it, and I think I know how...just need to get the right items together!

It really sucks when you are carrying something and hit a mine. Sometimes the item gets stuck where you can never get it because the mine blasts you before you can.


I've actually beaten the game. It looks like a lot of the items simply exist so that the bat will replace your useful items with trinkets. (as far as I can tell)

Major spoiler:

If you want to know a neat trick. Go in the cave, then go into the volcano. Put on a viking helmet and swim 2 screens down into the lava! You'll see something interesting

How I beat the game:

I used the vertical bridge to get pass the gate in the Mother Dragon's lair. I opened it up with the key and brought a magnet into her den. I positioned myself against a stalagmite and waited for the golden egg to come to me

I don't know if it's possible to collect all the items in the game in a single session. Then again, I haven't been able to go through the space maze (you get to it from the sky maze) since I don't know what to do with the aliens.


After about 5 unsuccessful 2 hour long tries, I finally got it!

Actually, you don't need much to win if you're lucky. All you need is:

vertical funnel
key that unlocks the gate in the depths

Once you get those you can...

Store everything in a chest so nothing will go missing
Take the knife and funnel with you into the Depths (see maps above)
Swim past the gate using the funnel and open the panel
Retreive the right colored key and unlock the gate
Take the magnet and a knife with you past the gate to the mother dragon
Use the magnet to attract the egg then snatch it
Remember to retreive your knife too because the dragons chase you after you get the egg
Escort egg with knife back home.


Also, in case anyone else is just as frustrated/captivated by this game as I was, here are some item places that I don't think were mentioned before or are not on the wonderful maps above (those were a lifesaver!)

Heaven/Outer Space: On the map above, the entrance is on the bottom right screen above the item.
Spaceship: Sneak past the alien that throws rocks at you, and you'll come to a spaceship screen that usually has an item on it. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to get to the item. Once, it was a key, so that was insanely frustrating. Anyone work it out?
Volcano in cave: see above, but be careful not to touch the lava!

I also though I should note that to the best of my knowlege, there are


chests in the game. And yes, they and the gates are different colors every time you play.
They are located:

Ocean floor of Western Side (easiest to get to, probably best for storage)
In the skymaze
Top of the Eastern Side
Inside the cave (I didn't have a map for this, but it seemed to be in a southeasterly direction from the entrance.)


It's actually really easy to get past the space ship for the item:

You can actually go through the alien space ship by just finding the right path. I think the way to the item is going to the left, up along the top, past the eyeball (if you touch it you get hurt) zig zag a bit left and down and right. The real trick is how do you exit out the lower left corner?


To add to K's comments above:

It's true that that list of items is all you need to win if you're lucky. Unfortunately, you have to get really lucky for all those items to be in locations you can get to without needing other items (or patient enough for the bat to bring them to such locations, I suppose).
One important location I haven't seen mentioned above or on the maps (the magnet was here the first time I played):

In the shallows, on the right-hand side, there's a place with two sections of vertical coral. The right-hand one is a solid wall that you need the horizontal funnel to get through. There's an item on the next screen to the right. (No guarantees it'll turn out to be an important item, of course.)

Regarding the spaceship:

You'll see the spaceship in miniature first when you enter its screen from any side except the bottom. When you enter the screen from the bottom, the spaceship fills the whole screen and conceals another annoying maze like the entrance to the clouds. If you've reached it via the space area, you'll enter the ship at its bottom left, and the trick is to go to the left and up before you start heading to the right. Don't touch the eye (you can get into the cockpit, but you get hurt).
The other way to get to the spaceship is if the item on this screen turns out to be one of the portals and you get there via the other portal, in which case you'll start at the bottom right and it's easier to find your way out.
It occurred to me after beating the game that the asteroid field you see when the ship is in miniature might be the same one you have to get through when the ship is full-sized; if so, you could look at the maze when you first see it and figure out how to get through it before you have to navigate it for real. I'll let someone else verify or disprove that; I'm not about to play through this game again.

Regarding the volcano:

I wasn't able to get close enough to the lava to get the item at the bottom without getting hurt (the Viking helmet made no difference for me, takenoko). Fortunately the item there never happened to be an important one for me. It may be possible to pick it up; I never tried exhaustively.

To get past the electric eels (which you often have to do carrying an item, without getting hit):

To get from bottom to top: start below and to the right; move up right under the lower eel; wait for the upper eel to get out of the way; slip through before the lower eel reaches you. You'll sort of hug the right edge of the space you have to pass through.
To get from top to bottom: your path will be from upper right to lower left, and you wind up along the left edge of the screen. Follow the upper eel down, and as it enters the cave, drop down the cliff wall before the lower eel gets there.

If you're like me and need to finish the game to see the ending:

It's not worth it. If that's the only thing keeping you playing, here's what happens:

When you put the egg on your nest, it hatches, a miniature version of yourself pops out, and a little heart appears over your heads. Then the word "win" appears in big white Comic Sans letters. That's it. I hope I've just saved you three hours of frustration.


There seems to be a bug:
Exiting from one of the warp portals can occassionally cause you to get stuck... as in you can't move, but should be able to.
Bug can be replicated across browsers and platfoms.


To justin

The viking helmet trick is to see the spoiler backend map. You're right in that it's useless for picking up the item in the lava. To get that you simply need a magnet

Thanks for letting us know what's on the other side of the spaceship though.


Hah - this is not a good idea:

I went through the teleport while carrying the other teleport. That was fun. I appeared in the place outside of everything. It was. Aggravating. I had finally gotten to a point where i had a good number of items in a findable place, and got tried to put a teleport down and grab something else, but accidentally went through the other... and.
That was not a good idea.


please help me i do not know how to get throw the depth


ttwitchh, that is hilarious. Thanks for sharing that little story. It reminds me of a futurama episode...

All the tips everyone has given have been extremely helpful. It would be awesome if someone could figure out what the effects of each item are (if any). I haven't figured out what the clock does...

Also, does anyone know how to get the item that's under the waterfall that takes you from the shallows back to the east side?


to get that item, you need to have the wings, and fly down. Once you're at the surface of the water, fly right, rather than into the grabby thing that brings you back to the water. once you're as far right as you can go, you can go up one map to get the item under the waterfall.


an enormous, terrible glitch.

If you open the right-click menu, and select play (which I first did in an attempt to pause) you jump to the 'next map'. This could be anywhere, but importantly if you play your cards right, you can go anywhere! Careful, because enemies still appear, and you're still restricted to the last 'real' map's movements. However, if you exit the map you are effectively teleported for good!

The exception to that is, if you're in the sky/space, you need to have the wings to move at all. Or in the water, you cannot have wings, at all.

Whether this helps you other players or not, I figure that it's worth mentioning.


List of found items that are "useless" (unless I missed something...)

3 gems, pipe, stone rune, shovel, bone, fish skeleton, spoon, clock.

Be sure to leave them in an easy to get to area, so the bat will replace them with something useful (Ex. keys, funnels, magnet, sword, etc.)


The Sea of Glomp is my baby, and wow, it's really fun reading as you guys put the pieces together. I hope it was memorable, even if frustrating. I remember the frustrating moments in life and treasure them for some sick reason. ;p

Thanks to the corruptor for making the only map in existence AFAIK. I don't even have one that detailed. Though the caves and space are missing.

Hey, thanks for playing guys. Keep an eye out for updates... I plan to add whole new areas. ... paul (C8;


Instructions for easy defeat and escape with the egg.

You will need:

both of the portals

put one portal in a chest with all your stuff

take the other portal to the cave next to the dragon's lair

then nip between the portals to bring the stuff through you will need, because unlike the funnels, you can take stuff through the portals


take the sword through first, dragons will come immediately, I wasted an extra hour running back and forth getting healed trying to get back to get the sword because I took the magnet first and the dragon was blocking access to the portal. In the end, the bat came and moved the bloody magnet and I had to find it again!


This one is really old school... a bunch of objects and finite number of lives remind me of old Dizzy games, where you got to play and replay again and again while desperately trying to figure out which object goes where and why, and not a hint in sight.

Sadly, these type of games require quite a lot of time on one's hands. Nevertheless I applaud this retro schtick whenever I see it, it reminds me of good old days when games were tough and unforgiving, and you tried to beat them for weeks or even months - none of that todays buy a game in the morning, beat it by the evening.

dave wright September 6, 2007 9:48 AM

Sea of Glomp Walkthrough

Firstly may I congratulate Paul Kramm on this game. It's wasted at least 5 days of my life as it was so compelling. If you really want to experience the challenge don't read any further. This is only for those who need help.


Bat steals your egg and you need to get it back to its original position


  • You have lots of objects to find and these are located in all different areas. There is the west sea, the sky, the cloud maze, the space maze with the space ship, the coral maze (with the sea above and the 1st cave/dragons lair), the east sea, the stomach maze, and the 2nd cave maze!!

  • Some of the objects are essential to completing the task. There are approx 3 items per area to be discovered.

  • This is going to take you some time to crack as there is lots of looping involved.


  • The Bat moves all the objects around on a random basis, this can either be annoying (mostly) or helpful depending on what gets moved where and when. However it only swaps items around it doesn't hide them in the original location where an item has been recovered from and moved.

  • The 3 Dragons appear separately or together in different screens.

  • The Mazes can be tricky because whilst there is a logic to the flow its not a direct one; eg. moving left out of one page may throw you into another page completely. It does all fit together but not quite how you are expecting it to.

  • There are 4 different starting layouts.


  • There is more than one way to get your egg back. Essential are the magnet and the sword (or Cutlass) and you will also need the vertical funneling device and a key in most cases.

  • A useful start is to try and open one of the chests with the relevant key (although this probably won't be the first thing you find/be able to get hold of). The chests are areas where you can safely store your objects and rest(effectively pause the game). Without the chest the random bat is going to keep stealing your essentials.

  • You ideally want to locate the magnet and the sword and carry the 2 around together. The sword gets rid of the dragons and the magnet attracts items from any location on the screen. There are at least 3 locations where you cannot retrieve the item without the magnet. Carrying the 2 together is time consuming but better than having to wait for the dragon to disappear from a screen. NB If you are quick on you controls you can sometimes retrieve some items by racing in and racing out past the dragon without the sword - but this is not easy.

  • I recommend finding one of the warp portals and placing this in the open chest. This guarantees that:

    1. It doesn't get taken

    2. You have a safe place to travel to at least at one end.

    3. May get you to an area you have yet to discover.

    4. If you get super lucky and the other portal is taken to the Dragons cave area, you can quickly travel back and forwards with the magnet and sword, retrieve the egg and return. This is the quickest way to win but has its dangers in that the warp portal might get moved by the bat before you can get through and if you haven't opened the metal gate previously you could be stuck.

  • I also recommend collecting the retrieved items in the chest and leave one or 2 non essential items above it. This then becomes your 'base' and you can start using the bats random behaviour to bring new items to you rather than have it stealing your essential ones.


  • Magnet

  • Sword or Cutlass

  • Vertical Funnel

  • 2 or 3 Keys

  • Highly useful = warp portals


  • mini sword is above octopus

  • green key in the stomoch of "belly"

  • blue key is in the chest in the sky

  • red key in cave

  • vertical funnel in volcano

  • horizontal funnel in chest above eels

  • big sword in starting area chest

  • warp portal 1 in heart of "belly"

  • warp portal 2 in sky


  1. Go to the coral maze and then find the cave within to the dragons lair. Here you will find the metal gate.

  2. Use the funnel to go through this and then swim into the button on the screen below. This opens the shutter to the key lock on the screen above.

  3. Use the correct colour of key and the metal gate will move/open. If the bat moves the funneling device this is now not a problem.

  4. Go to the lair and retrieve the egg with the magnet and sword. Note: A quick way to do this is to take the 2nd warp portal and then move everything you require through it. You cannot move items through the funnel so you have to open the gate (unless you have a scenario as described in point 4 above)


  • Use the diagonal move/arrows to get into the cloud maze which incidentally can only be seen after visiting the waterfall whilst flying.

  • Avoid carrying the magnet and funneling device together by the edge of a screen. The program can stop/crash (very frustrating - have to start allover again)

  • Eat a fish to gain life

  • Find a heart (or 2) as this gives you double/triple life energy

  • You need 3 stones to fill the bucket

I haven't worked out what all items do. There are the obvious ones like the Viking helmet which reduces damage but most (if they each have a purpose) are not essential to completing the task.

I could go on about how to navigate each maze but that would
1. Make playing the game pointless
2. Waste another 5 days of my life


It's a secret September 7, 2007 9:38 PM

if you go to the volcano in the cave, there will be a map to the whole world. If you die in there, the map will stay with you for the rest of the game.

heavyporker September 8, 2007 2:48 AM

I did something very, very foolish before I started out for the dragon lair...

I took a warp portal through another warp portal.

Don't do this if you haven't finished the game.


Now I have to decide if I want to redo the game.


locations of items (use above walkthrough)

keep refreshing the game till the item guarded by the pirana is a heart

mini sword is above octopus

green key in the stomoch of "belly"

blue key is in the chest in the sky

red key in cave

verticle tube in volcano

horazontal tube in chest above eels

big sword in starting area chest

portal 1 in heart of "belly"

portal 2 in sky

magnet is not needed

once you are in the cave of dragon, drive the big sword into head the head of the mother dragon, grab your egg and flee as fast as you can


I remember playing adventure for the atari 2600 when I was young. The bat in this game is by far less annoying. The bat used in the adventure game could steal the items you were holding(sword) and drop a dragon in your lap. this game definitely brings back memories
Since this game is based on the ocean I would of probably made the bat a manta ray.


Where's the magnet?


Wow! Any idea how to get the big fish guarding the small sword gone for good/away for some time? Do the swords/knife work on it?


How do you get out of space without getting killed?


I has almost finishing the game and my computer closes the window!!Grrrr Im really mad I has in the dragon mother and I saw the egg I gived her lots of things,then I has giving her the viking helmet to lose just a little damage and give her the bone or the dead fish and my computer closes the window
Im really mad about this but Im giving the whole game info!

To start you need to see the knife in that spot that the green fish is guarding!Then you need to go to the ski come back go to the space then go to the shoals then get everything open the gate get ebrything thats in there!Go to that cave whit the wall passing machine up and pass the metel door!Then you have to click on the red botton get the red key and open the metel door go to the dragon mother and give her tall the items!

p.s:You need the viking helmet to give the dragon mother the special item!

p.s.s:I dididnt pass all the game I has in the way whit the viking helmet and the special item!

p.s.s.s:I dont know if my item has the correct one!

Llexi | December 8, 2007 10:50 PM December 8, 2007 11:49 PM

It was kinda hard to do, but I finally beat the game!

Anonymous June 8, 2008 6:25 AM

I hate that stupid dragons!!!
I was so far and have only one live and then on the end:

Anonymous August 16, 2008 3:19 PM

Gotta Have Items: Keys (Blue, Red, Green)
Knife (To keep Dragons away)
Vertical Sphere to go through walls

thefatvampire November 3, 2008 3:35 PM

Woah! I got wings, flew until I saw a waterfall, dived down, but then suddenly went into space!

jana pearce May 31, 2009 11:14 AM

okay, i need help!

i used the wings in the sky and went under the waterfall but the only thing there was an extra life! i have to idea where either portal is! ive been to the heart and belly of the huge eel/angler fish and found the vertical thing and the knife. i also opened the red chest in the beginning of the game and found a blue key but i cant find the spot to put it.

if you know anything PLEASE comment back.
oh yeah, ive also been to

the mother dragons cave

but i cant do anything yet because

i dont know where the big sword is and i know where the magnet is but i cant get to it


I was wondering...I know how to get to the cave, but.. where exactly is the mother's den? Because I can't find it! I'm already past the part where you put 3 rocks in the bucket and hang it on the hook, get the key, and the door opens. Inside I got the key from the volcano and left, but I couldn't find what the key goes to, either!

catherine July 5, 2009 7:42 PM

so that the bat doesnt take your stuff you can put it in chests and you can hide it behind the pillars by the angler fish's antenna. and i found the mother dragons den so i dont need to know that anymore. lol. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that it was right past that gate and that all i needed was that funnel "use at our own risk" thing. too bad you cant take anything through it though. Still havent finished the game either! Oh and Just in case you dont know, you definately need the magnet to get your egg from the mother dragon.


How do you complete the whole game?

Anonymous March 24, 2010 12:29 PM

i dont get how you go to different parts of the sky?


And if you have advice on how to escape, TELL ME!

Jezzababe July 20, 2010 1:35 AM

Hew can anyone tell me how to get to the maze in the sky because i can get to it wen i die but then i can't do anything else because i'm only a gohst and can't pick stuff up!!! please help me i'm desperate i've been looking for it for months! (I'm addicted to this game!!)


Okay so hey guys...i found a portal and i suddenly came into space..i found a green key and i couldn't get past the mothership alien thingy...eventually i came into the sky or something, i don't know, but there's a gate where i should put the key but i cant get to the side to put the key in it!! what should i do?!! i'm really frustrated!!


after days of playing this game, looking at cheats and making maps, i have finally completed it!!!!!!!!
if you want to know what happens at the end click here:

when you put the egg back on the nest a little version of glomp comes out, a love heart appears above both of them and the little glomp eats the big glomp! and then it says "the end" and the little glomp is in the middle of the screen :)

only open it if u really want to spoil the ending! :)
here is a list of the things i collected:

3 keys - red, green & blue
3 jewels
a knife
a cutlass
a bucket & 3 lumps of coal (put in the bucket)
2 portals
2 "use at your own risk" tubes
a viking hat
a pocket watch
a pirate patch
a bone
a spade
(i found more but i cant remember them :D )



The viking hat will keep the big dragon guarding the egg from blowing you off the screen =)


Every time you start the game over its different.

You can use any kind of knife to pull the chompy fish away from whats behind him.

TignasseVerte June 17, 2012 5:13 PM

Hy guys, I managed to come back from space without been killed ...

Come back to the space ship, there is a mini maze to the portal you came from.

... Then simply take the portal... as any object !
It is a portable portal ! ;)
You may go into it after having moving it.
Enjoy guys :)

[Spoilers fixed! -mod]


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