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Heli Attack 3

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Rating: 4.3/5 (168 votes)
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Heli Attack 3

The very talented guys at Square Circle Co., Chris "iopred" Rhodes and Chris "DayDream" Hildebrand, have just released their third Heli Attack game, and it's available exclusively at Miniclip.

Heli Attack 3 is an arcade survival shooter that keeps much the same as the previous one. And that's not a bad thing since Heli Attack 2 was Miniclip's best game of 2003. Instead of changing the core gameplay, the team added movements such as climbing and crouching, and a whole slew of new weapons. Level progression was also added for a change of scenery and to increase enemy difficulty. And a really cool gun was added to reward those hardcore gamers who make it through the impossibly long final level.

Web browser games don't get much better than this, and these guys prove that you really can develop serious games in Flash.

Play Heli Attack 3


Miniclip's design seriously detracts from the playability of this game. I keep clicking outside the applet zone. This would be a minor annoyance with a nicer web layout, but as it is, this causes me to click on banners which open new windows (while I get pummeled in the original window) or, worse still, accidentally clicking the Miniclip logo which takes the window to the main page, killing my game.

I have a trackpad, so it's difficult enough to aim properly, but it would be managable if not for the disaster-laden site design.


i liked this game a lot better than its predecessors. i found my best weapons are the bow and the rocket shotgun everything else...meh. I love how you can triple jump and such that helps and the tutorial would be handy for those who need it. Great game this is going on my favorites list


Great game. I had a lot of fun playing it. The best way to win is to have an strategy. How many helis do you have to defeat in the last level to beat it? Or is it an infinite amount.


This is a SWEEEEEET game!!!


ACLS - I agree with you, and that is the reason that I do not often highlight games at commercial sites.

Click the image. Deep-linking to content is generally frowned upon, but unless Miniclip objects, I've changed the link for the image only to link directly to the swf. That should provide a better interface, consistent with most other games on this site.


great game, however, i wonder what the cheat codes for it are and when you get them? or is that a goodie you get at the end of the game so you can mow down everyone when you play it again?


iopred is giving hints about the cheats in the Miniclip forum. Click.


AkimboMac10's rock


Jay, can you post the forum url again.


Sorry, there was a typo. I fixed it in the comment above. cheers.


It would appear they didn't like the deep linking either, as the whole page now loads in the small window. I assume this is Miniclips doing.

Thought you would like to know.



Thanks, Berimon. *sigh*

I've changed the link back to the way it was.


This game is amazing the only problem is that my school blocked so i cant play it. My school ruins all the fun


Even after "earning" all the weapons, there isn't enough replay value. After I went back and replayed most of the levels, I still didn't see half of the weapons that I "earned". Instead of getting weapon drops randomly or by destroying a heli from above, now it's every other heli, not an improvement.

I think what the game needs is a randomly generated, endless level where you have a high probability of getting better weapons after you finish all the levels. That or start to finish, contra style gameplay. Otherwise, great game.


I think Heli Attack 2 already has crouching...

carl peers June 23, 2005 10:13 AM

i think that this game is good even though i havent played it lol i judge it on the last version of heli attack and that was a superb game!!!!


This is a great game but how do you get the cheats for heli attack 3!


that game is great! i beat the whole game!
the best weapon is the soundwave. i also like bladerang.


JessAnovA , I pretty much disagree with everything you said. The game is sweet. Replay value is great, I have seen EVERY weapon that I have unlocked, the weapons are great, and there IS in fact a level that is endless and you get an extra weapon right when you start.


That would be awesome if they added a multiplayer version where you could ally a random person on the web, play through the whole game, talk to them too, and maybe have a feature where you battle each other!


can anyone give me bloody useful cheats

the amazing June 26, 2005 1:25 PM

i think this game is good but its kinda easy for me. i mean with the triple jump and all the new weeapons its 2 simple, i cant wait for the next one though, and btw awesome idea about multiplayer heli aattack 3 that would be so cool with shields and stuff. thanx for reading


i have to agree with the guy who commented first. Miniclips ewb layout is very bad for this, and quite a few other, games. I think I liked it when you could play heliattack 2 on, much, MUCH cleaner. Other than that it is an excellent game. I like how he doesn't just stand there twirling his gun when you move the mouse.
Graphics: 7
Gameplay: 9
Replay value: 9
Total: 25/30

The walking dead June 27, 2005 9:50 PM

From the maker of the game here are the cheats
John Rambo : Unlocks Bow&Arrow
Old Faithful : Unlocks ChainGun (Found by Austinator)
Its a Jackal : Unlocks SniperRifle (Found by deathcharms)
This is my boomstick : Unlocks DoubleShotgun (Found by Patware)
Shrapnel : Unlocks FlakCannon (Found by Patware)
Follow the leader : Unlocks GuidedLauncher (Found by razer)
Moonshine : Unlocks DrunkenLauncher (Found by Dukeofme)
Gloop : Unlocks GooGun (Found by Sky-Fighter Ace)
9 Volt : Unlocks SparkPlug (Found by 24/7 Gamer)
Australians all let us rejoice : Unlocks Bladerang (Found by Shellman)
Alpha : Unlocks LaserRifle (Found by mastervb)
Beta : Unlocks AutoLaserRifle (Found by Ghundio)
Gamma : Unlocks LaserShotgun (Found by mastervb)
I dont have time to bleed : Unlocks Anytime (Found by ravenfrost)
Call in artillery : Unlocks Airstrike (Found by zell96740)
Missile launch detected : Unlocks ABombLauncher (Found by ravenfrost)
Bass in your face : Unlocks Soundwaave (Found by Patware)
Wash away the rain : Unlocks BlackHoleGenerator (Found by deathcharms)

Enjoy. From Ipored


this is the very best pc game i've ever played

Adeel Syed June 29, 2005 12:18 AM

This game is amazing..

Playing the last level with everything unlocked means you'll get it all at least once... Just last long enough..

I managed to get down 249 of the big helis!!!!!!!!!

That's right! I got in 5th but I think I've been pushed down now..

Obviously I'm ADEEL x SYED.

BTW, this took around half an hour to do...


how do you get that weapon on the first level?

aaaaafdg June 29, 2005 2:05 AM

is there a cheat for god mode if there is can you please tell me


heli attack3 is the best game ever produced by i give it 98% rating as it is amamazing i have completed it and have all wepons


I like cheese, but this is just... *Sniff* better than cheese... 10 points.

god of war June 29, 2005 7:45 PM

heli attack 3 rocks i like the black hole generater


this game is awesome except that the last level that doesnt end is way too hard. the black hole generator is awesome. if you shoot it right near a heli, then it sux it up right away and will still be there when the next heli comes which means that it can take out two helis with one shot. you might be able to get a third in there too. although, to get the flak cannon in training its easier if you use time distort when you do your super jump thing


when i read through the information on how to play the game, it mentioned something about being able to go through certain floors by holding modify and crouch but i havent found a place to do this


hey do you know how to activate the cheat code????

Caffiene June 30, 2005 5:54 PM

This is 10000000 times beter than Heli Atack2. I like the rockets the best. They RULE!!!!!!


To activate a cheat go to the main menu and click on "players" then it takes you to another menu and cheats are listed there.




i've completed it with all weapons. man, how hard is the last level!!??!!??


tell me some cheat please!


well i would not say its the best game i have played but i like it. It's maybe my fav game. Now time for the down sides in zone2-2 right they bring out 10 helis when all i have is a pistol that's the only thing i do not like about the game.

frizzy liz July 3, 2005 5:39 PM

this game rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! an easy way to get to number one is to get on at 1200 then dont even try hard get like 1000 pionts then die then you'll be #1

(note you will be number 1# for a short time)




i know some cheats for the game. To get a spark plug gun the code is 9 volt. To get a goo gun the code is gloop. those are the only codes i know. i got by typing in random stuff. enjoy


This game is great my favorite weapon was the anytime


It's the best game ever!!

Patrick July 6, 2005 5:39 PM

hey this is just to ppl who have miniclip blocked at school, i found that if you save firefox to a disk and bring it in, you can open it up and play games through that, most blocks only work on IE not on firefox.


has anyone seen the weapon in the training level near the targets if you have plz tell me how to get up there


Heya Guys,

This is the master list for the cheats in Heli Attack 3, if they aren't in here, they dont exist yet.

Remember, there are NO cheats for god mode, or unlimited ammo! This is so people cannot cheat the highscore board.

Cheat code : Result

iopred : Cute message
DayDream : Cute message
John Rambo : Unlocks Bow&Arrow
Old Faithful : Unlocks ChainGun (Found by Austinator)
Its a Jackal : Unlocks SniperRifle (Found by deathcharms)
This is my boomstick : Unlocks DoubleShotgun (Found by Patware)
Shrapnel : Unlocks FlakCannon (Found by Patware)
Follow the leader : Unlocks GuidedLauncher (Found by razer)
Moonshine : Unlocks DrunkenLauncher (Found by Dukeofme)
Gloop : Unlocks GooGun (Found by Sky-Fighter Ace)
9 Volt : Unlocks SparkPlug (Found by 24/7 Gamer)
Australians all let us rejoice : Unlocks Bladerang (Found by Shellman)
Alpha : Unlocks LaserRifle (Found by mastervb)
Beta : Unlocks AutoLaserRifle (Found by Ghundio)
Gamma : Unlocks LaserShotgun (Found by mastervb)
I dont have time to bleed : Unlocks Anytime (Found by ravenfrost)
Call in artillery : Unlocks Airstrike (Found by zell96740)
Missile launch detected : Unlocks ABombLauncher (Found by ravenfrost)
Bass in your face : Unlocks Soundwaave (Found by Patware)
Wash away the rain : Unlocks BlackHoleGenerator (Found by deathcharms)

Ive got jungle fever, shes got jungle fever : Unlocks Amazon Jungle (Found by iforgot2314)
Aint no mountain high enough : Unlocks Canyon Lands (Found by Patware)
Who rides the wrecking ball : Unlocks Underground Lab (Found by ndrd)

up up down down left right left right b a select start : Unlocks All Weapons (Found by deathcharms and bobbler)
You are the moon master : Unlocks All Levels


big bear July 7, 2005 12:14 PM

to get the weapon in training area go to highest ledge near targets and hyper jump while in time distort that should get the gun. The gun isn't that good so dont worry if you cant get it.


what's the cheat for god mode


If you have played the game all the way and are very good at it, play about 70% of the way through using ONLY the pistol, and you will have TONS of weapons on the last level to to kick heli butt. (i made a mistake once and went really far with the pistol, then died because i put off using the other weapons too long)


Dude the weapon on the platform in the training area is just a flak cannon and there's a cheat for it already listed above


this game rocks''''=)i


heli attack 3 is the best game on the internet im sure heli attack 4 would be even better i think these people who created heli attack heli attack 2 and heli attack 3 are the best pc game inventors of all time you guys rulz and for the people who havent played plz play it and here are cheats!!!!!!!! Cheat code : Result

iopred : Cute message
DayDream : Cute message
John Rambo : Unlocks Bow&Arrow
Old Faithful : Unlocks ChainGun (Found by Austinator)
Its a Jackal : Unlocks SniperRifle (Found by deathcharms)
This is my boomstick : Unlocks DoubleShotgun (Found by Patware)
Shrapnel : Unlocks FlakCannon (Found by Patware)
Follow the leader : Unlocks GuidedLauncher (Found by razer)
Moonshine : Unlocks DrunkenLauncher (Found by Dukeofme)
Gloop : Unlocks GooGun (Found by Sky-Fighter Ace)
9 Volt : Unlocks SparkPlug (Found by 24/7 Gamer)
Australians all let us rejoice : Unlocks Bladerang (Found by Shellman)
Alpha : Unlocks LaserRifle (Found by mastervb)
Beta : Unlocks AutoLaserRifle (Found by Ghundio)
Gamma : Unlocks LaserShotgun (Found by mastervb)
I dont have time to bleed : Unlocks Anytime (Found by ravenfrost)
Call in artillery : Unlocks Airstrike (Found by zell96740)
Missile launch detected : Unlocks ABombLauncher (Found by ravenfrost)
Bass in your face : Unlocks Soundwaave (Found by Patware)
Wash away the rain : Unlocks BlackHoleGenerator (Found by deathcharms)

Ive got jungle fever, shes got jungle fever : Unlocks Amazon Jungle (Found by iforgot2314)
Aint no mountain high enough : Unlocks Canyon Lands (Found by Patware)
Who rides the wrecking ball : Unlocks Underground Lab (Found by ndrd)

up up down down left right left right b a select start : Unlocks All Weapons (Found by deathcharms and bobbler)
You are the moon master : Unlocks All Levels


in the information there is something about going through certain floors if you hold modify while crouching. you can do that in 3-3


great game


this game is the best online game on the computer!!!


i need some help every time i type in the unlock all weapons cheat and i go to play the cheat didnt work and i dont have the weapons what am i doing worng?


this game is the shiz nits

jon dikeama July 11, 2005 6:06 PM

This game is sweet but not knowing how to get to the hidden guns is making me mad. The triple jump is awesome but there's really no use for it except the training level. If you make a heli attack4 please make it useful.

jon dikeama July 12, 2005 1:41 PM

How do you hyperjump?!

MONKEY BOB July 12, 2005 1:47 PM

You dont get all the weapons right away but you can get them in any level.

KITTY BOB July 12, 2005 4:47 PM

the black-hole generater lasts longer if you have more than 1

I LIKE MONKEYS July 12, 2005 8:20 PM


ok now that i probably got your attention,here are some useful tips..........

1.if you are crouching in a tight spot and you're going really slow, hit the ^ botton to go faster.

2.for those of you that dont know HOW to hyper jump its modify ((space)) ((or what ever you changed it to)) and up. To get full height hold space. but you dont need to hold ^.



its good but i think there should be a longer bullet time and more cheats:)!!!


This game was alot better the first few times i played it. i give it a 8.5-10


Wondering about those high scores:
- does one hide in a crevice, crouching in the crevice, and come out to plink shots off one at a time on the last level?
- are they just knocking off the land-based robots in the early levels for thirty-six hours straight? Lame.

- Has anyone else found it advantageous to use the bow n' arrow instead of the pistol? Or is this a bad strategy?
- After the Black Hole Gen., Soundwaave is the coolest weapon. The A-bomb and Anytime take too long to reload.
- The hyperjump is good against the large helis when they launch rockets.


how do the cheats work ???? do you have to enter the whole list of cheats


This game is flippin awsome but i cant beat it. pretty much every game ive played ive beat it so i need some cheats!


I think this game is alright, but making that Zone X as the last level detracts from the game I think. I also cannot figure out how to use the cheats... I put in the code and then the weapons and secret levels don't appear in the game.

the dude July 15, 2005 8:32 PM

i need a god mode cheat, im getting sick of dying all the time


- Has anyone else found it advantageous to use the bow n' arrow instead of the pistol? Or is this a bad strategy?
if you use bow n' arrow to kill the land-based robots, you get much more socre than using the pistol.




OddBodSimo July 17, 2005 5:57 PM

sorry bout dat...heres the easy to read version...

Effect Code
Programmer message = iopred
Programmer message = DayDream
All weapons =up up down down left right left right b a select start
Bow and arrow = John Rambo
Chain gun = Old Faithful
Sniper rifle = Its a Jackal
Double shotgun = This is my boomstick
Guided launcher = Follow the leader
Drunken launcher = Moonshine
Goo gun = Gloop
Spark Plug = 9 Volt
Bladerang = Australians all let us rejoice
Laser rifle = Alpha
Auto laser rifle = Beta
Laser shotgun = Gamma
Anytime = I dont have time to bleed
Airstrike = Call in artillery
Level select = You are the moon master
A-Bomb Launcher = Missile launch detected
Soundwaave = Bass in your face
Black Hole Generator = Wash away the rain
Amazon Jungle = Ive got jungle fever, shes got jungle fever
Canyon Lands = Aint no mountain high enough

Still the black hole thing is annoying me, and im playing it right now

OddBodSimo July 17, 2005 5:59 PM

...I died while talkin here...





when typing a cheat, you have to make sure there isnt a space before or after the chosen cheat


those cheats dont work i type them in and nothing appeared


this game rocks out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Shrapnel


is there a cheat on infinite ammo
i keep running out and going back to boring old pistol


This game is ssssssswwwweeeeeeeet


I love this game! It rocks! I just can't beat the freaken lab. My favorite weapons are the a-bomb,bow,and guided rocket launcher!


sup bro do you rekon you can tell me some of the cheats for heli attack 3 im finding pretty hard

alex morris July 19, 2005 3:08 AM

helli attack 3 is a great game but it can be stupid and annoying like on the trainig level why do you have every weapon an then lose them all on zone1-1?


hi peepes im on the last level very kl game urrm.. but i can take down about 50 or so but the i die :( lol would anyone be able 2 tell me if there is a cheat that stops u from dieing thx dudes


if you have unlocked all the weapons just go to the training course to see what they look like


how good is flak cannon


how do you access the secret levels after you unlock them? also, is there an end to this game?

master guns July 20, 2005 11:30 PM

this game ROCKS!!! i've been waiting 4 heli attack 2 advance into this awsome version


anyway i cant get the cheats 2 work i type em in and press back then start and i only got knife gernades and piston WERES MY GUIDED MISSLE anyway 999999999999999999999999999999999999999 better then number and how do u make the software 2 move cuz i wanna make like a stick game but i dnt no software 2 make it all move anyway thanks

Shadow of Doom July 22, 2005 12:22 AM

I got 14661200 points and i was only 25th, there's some maniacs out there.

masterhunter July 22, 2005 1:20 PM

how do u activate cheats?i cant find any cheat option or anything like u just type them in on menu screen or what?


we need cheats for christ sake


in the training level by the enemies there is a gun above them hyper jump to see it - can anyone get this????


Miniclip has ads on the game page so they can pay the enourmous bandwidth charges created by 100 million game plays so you can play the game for free. They also paid money to license the game so you can play it for free.


If anyone is trying to complete the game, it never ends. On the last level it says "This level does not end, kill as many enemies as you can for a high score"




Is there a cheat to get infinite of a weapon?

Quinton July 24, 2005 6:31 PM

Heli Attack is the best game i have ever played


hmmmmmmmm, i didnt think it was that great, i mean i couldnt even get past the first level.....i think that games should start of with a really really easy tutorial level instead of an allout challenging level

Mt1Rund March 4, 2007 6:34 PM

Is Heli Attack 4 Ever Going to Come Out ?????? SOMEONE Tell me !!!


is you hyperjump and kill and guy in heli attack 3 you get 25 machine gun bullets


i found out where to get a secret gun.


in training level go to where the first shooting targets are and if u jump off a platform using the hyperjump (press space then w) you land on a platform with the flakgun)

yahthasright April 13, 2007 9:37 PM

how do you get that secret gun on the training level? every time i hyper jump i don't reach it. help me


I nead a infinite ammo cheat!


this game is so kool! man i stink at it so bad i only get 12 helis but wait i figured out that


if you play on a different computer and put high detail instead of medium and low it will make the game a little bit slower so you can dodge the bullets of the helis if its on low detail it will shoot too fast for you to move so high detail can make em go slower for you to find the bullets and dodge them this will come in handy

have fun :)


The most I got to on level X is 654 helis, and a score of around 42 million points. Took me about 1.6 hours. The key is to just practice, be careful, hide and run away as often as you can and only strike when the opportunity arises, and save up your health. Like, when the game first starts, you get health after 14 helis, then 28, 56, 112...etc. Usually after the first 14 helis, I've taken 1 hit, so if I use the health then, that's like wasting 5 health points (each health pack recharges you by 6). So using them judiciously can really increase how long you stay alive. If you take 1 hit per, on average, killing 10 hels, then if you do the math (start with 20 health points, plus 6 health points per health pack) it's easy to get to the 3-400 point. Breaking 600 is still tough for me. I'm hoping to get to 1000 at some point. I got to over 1000 with Heli Attach 2.

anonymus April 26, 2007 8:19 PM

i've a question... how do i reach the first weapon in the training zone!?!?!? i'd been hours trying to reach it... but i can't!!!!!!


Hey, I just spent two hours killing 974 helis on level x, got about 62 million points. So, I now think it's definitely possible to get to 1000!Anything who things they can beat my records are welcome to try!


To get to the weapon in training mode hold shift go onto the ledge near the boxes hyperjump and hold right
Good luck


I was reading on Wikipedia about HA3, and found out that there was this thing called TimeBreak. A bit tricky to use, but once you get the hang of it, it can save your butt at times. So now I have a new all time record of 1224 helis on level X, 80,172,800 pts, and 10016 seconds. I captured a few of my screens from 600 helis onward for proof.
The next available powerup is at heli 1792, but to get there, it means you have to kill an avg of about 30 helis for every shot you take. This is possible for short periods of time, but to maintain this average over the course of 1800 helis is pretty daunting, and I don't think even I could do it. To get to 1224 helis, I averaged just under 20 helis killed per 1 decrease in health. Again, anyone wanted to beat my score are welcome to try.


Hey I emailed Chris Rhodes at squarecircleco, and apparently Heli Attack 4 is in pre-production right now, and hopefully it will be out by later this year!

Chris S May 7, 2007 8:22 PM

i heard about some collectors edition cheats but they dont work.... they were posted by iopred himself on miniclip forums





Yeah there's stuff like the antimatter cannon...etc. But they don't work on the commercially available free games.

Ben Chirlin May 9, 2007 8:22 PM

How can you "hide" on the last level? Any good place is staked out by ground forces which spawn whenever you leave to avoid heli fire. The most I can get is 14ish.

phillip May 18, 2007 7:40 PM

hey!!! I have a question how do you time break and time rift???? I realy need to know becaus I only got to 3rd mission

agent 007 May 28, 2007 3:22 AM

what is the modify crouch that goes through floors, and how do i use it?


My fav hiding place is in that "pothole" before the stack of wooden crates. The respawning is a problem - I find the best solution is to attack them before they attack you. Like, if you're returning to a spot, and you know something's gonna respawn, just toss a grenade ahead of you. That way, you kill them before they get a single shot.
As for timebreak, use shift+modify+next weapon to toggle between the different "time options".

In other news, I broke my old record today, and got 1391 helis, 2hr47min, 90+ million points. I averaged 22.5 helis killed per bullet I took. I'm contemplating whether it's possible to reach 1792, which is where the next health powerup is. That requires that I avg about 28.5 helis per bullet I take. It's hard, but I think it should be possible. And if you can make it that far, then with the powerup, it should be doable to reach 2000 helis. It's gonna be insanely hard though....this will probably take about 4.5hrs of play time, assuming it takes on avg 8 seconds to down a heli.


Okay, it's time for me to retire. I just spent the last 4.9hrs playing HA3, and I surprised even myself with a record 2417 helis down, 158+ million points. After I got the powerup at the 1792 heli mark, I had a total of 18 health points, which means that for the last portion of the game, I on average killed about 35 helis per bullet that hit me. I really don't think I can do much better than this....I don't think it's humanly possible to reach the next powerup at 3584 helis, meaning you'd have to average 53.5 kills per health point. I have been able to achieve this at times, but never sustained over hours. As usual, I took screen shots after about every 250 helis for "proof" in case anyone doesn't believe what I claim is possible.


in the training level if you go down to where the first ladder is and look behind you, you can shoot that wall and it will disappear, if you go down deep enough you will get the chain gun(+1000 points)


hey I need help how do you get to the lower sections like under the bridges and level x is easy 92 kills i love the black hole


comeon guys here are some cheats they are real

Cheat mode:
Go to "Players", and then "Cheats". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Programmer message iopred
Programmer message DayDream
All weapons up up down down left right left right b a select start
Bow and arrow John Rambo
Chain gun Old Faithful
Sniper rifle Its a Jackal
Double shotgun This is my boomstick
Flak Cannon Shrapnel
Guided launcher Follow the leader
Drunken launcher Moonshine
Goo gun Gloop
Spark Plug 9 Volt
Bladerang Australians all let us rejoice
Laser rifle Alpha
Auto laser rifle Beta
Laser shotgun Gamma
Anytime I dont have time to bleed
Airstrike Call in artillery
Level select You are the moon master
A-Bomb Launcher Missile launch detected
Soundwaave Bass in your face
Black Hole Generator Wash away the rain
Amazon Jungle Ive got jungle fever, shes got jungle fever
Canyon Lands Aint no mountain high enough
Zones 4 and 5 Who rides the wrecking ball

Information in this section was contributed by Jeff V. and bb cc.

Hint: Chain gun:
To get the Chain gun early, go to the training level and follow the instructions until you get to the ladder. Look to your left. You should see a wall. If you shoot the wall it will break. Keep shooting until it will not break anymore. The Chain gun will be there. If you have already unlocked the Chain gun, you will just find an ammo drop.
Information in this section was contributed by kaeden derksen.
Hint: Earthquake:
Enable the up up down down left right left right b a select start, then go to the Training Zone. Hold [Left Shift] + [Space] + E until you see Timebreak. Next, switch your weapon to the A-Boom Launcher. Hold [Left Shift] and shoot 25 rounds of the A-Boom in an arc around you. Then, release [Left Shift]. As soon as the first A-Boom hits something, the entire screen will start shaking non-stop for 47 seconds. You get an even longer earthquake when you use the BlackHoleGenerator. Note: If you choose to use the BlackHoleGenerator instead of the A-Boom Launcher, it takes about 475 seconds (about 8 minutes) to set it up. However if you use the A-Boom Launcher, it takes about 95 seconds (about 1 minute and 35 seconds) to set it up.
Information in this section was contributed by Steven Eastman.

Hint: FlakCannon:
In order to unlock the FlakCannon you must go to the training area. Then go to where you can shoot the targets. Go into top of that "tower" and use Time Distort (everything slows down). Do a Hyper Jump to the platform where that gun is located.

Hint: Googun:
In level 2-2, walk right on the screen after the first metal bridge. You will go up an incline. Once at the top, there is a stump. Jump it and there will be another. Hold [Modify] and crouch to fall, then shoot to the right to unlock the Googun.
Information in this section was contributed by scortched.

Hint: Nuke:
In training mode, hold [Space] and switch to Timebreak mode. Hold [Shift] and start out with the pistol. While holding [Shift], shoot a horseshoe shape around your body, sort of like a forcefield, with all the bullets. Continue holding [Shift] and switch to every weapon and do this until you get to the railgun. Release [Shift] and enjoy.
Information in this section was contributed by Tim Gunter.

Enable the call in artillery code and go to training mode. Change your weapon until you get to Air Strike. Hold [Modify] (default is [Space]) and switch to Time Rift. While holding [Shift] hold the Left Mouse Button. [Screenshot]
Information in this section was contributed by heather.

Hint: Soundwave gun:
On level 3-3, go to the second metal bridge and use [Modify] (button can be found in pause menu, which is P). Do it again and you will land on a third bridge very low down. Shoot to the right as far as you can go, then shoot up. You will find the Soundwave gun.

Hint: Spark Plug gun:
In level 1-3 there is a bridge. Hold [Modify] (default is [Space]) and [Down] on the right side of the bridge. You will drop down. Then, use any weapon on the right side of where you dropped down to break the five sections of the wall to unlock the Spark Plug gun.
Information in this section was contributed by scortched.

Hint: Machine gun ammunition:
Finish off any enemy during a hyperjump with any weapon. You will automatically receive machine gun ammunition.
Information in this section was contributed by giraffe91.

Hint: Sound barrier:
To make a sonic boom around your body hold [Modify] and press Q until you get to time break. Then, use the Sound Wave gun and shoot a circle around your body while holding [Shift]. For this to work, the circle must be completely around your body. Then, release [Shift]. [Screenshot]
Information in this section was contributed by flyboy6464.

Hint: Extra weapons:
In levels 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3, you can get a machine gun and/or machine gun ammo clip from every heli you destroy. Get the heli down to enough health, so that it will only require one grenade to kill it. Use Hyper Jump (hold [Modify] and press [Jump]) to get very close to the heli. You must be close enough to touch it. Use a grenade to finish it off. The heli will drop a machine gun clip with only 25 ammo in it. Note: This will not effect any of the weapons that the helis usually drop; every other time you use this trick you will get two items.
Information in this section was contributed by andy carlson.

Hint: Level 2-2: Hiding location:
In one of the grass levels (level 2-2), you can go under the hangout if you press [Space]. You can then hide from the enemy. If you jump up onto the bridge above, you cannot go straight down. You must walk over.

Anonymous June 14, 2007 3:35 PM

where do u put the cheat "up up down down left right left right b a" ??

Anonymous June 14, 2007 4:28 PM

where do u put the cheat everliving cause i want to try it

The Jester June 22, 2007 11:30 PM

Flakcannon cheat-level 3-3

In level 3-3 go to the second bridge. Then hold [modify] and press down at the same time. The repeat it. After that shoot the wall to your right. Continue shooting until you can't shoot any more. Then shoot up until you can't shoot any more. hyper jump up ([modify] and press [jump]) and get the Flakcannon.

sam norton June 27, 2007 11:25 PM

i don't think that this counts as a spoiler, but how to enter cheats is what this is:


from the main menu, go to players then click cheats. start typing, friends.

oh and for those who can't figure out how to enter the unlock all weapons code:


type the words you see, don't press buttons. there's no select button on the keyboard, geniuses. in other words, type the words up, down, left, right, select, and start, and just type a or b as needed.

Anonymous July 3, 2007 6:57 PM

How do you get to the secret gun on the training level? i see it everytime i play the training level. it really bugs me b/c idk how to get it.

a friend to gamers like maself July 6, 2007 1:34 PM

time sink gives you unlimited time powers like time distort and time rift (default shift) until it runs out


whenever I do that nuke thing the timebreak stops!!! hint: If you want all the levels just type in you are the moon master:)


The secret weapon in the last level is


it destroys everything on the screen except you. It has 1 ammo.

a person July 14, 2007 7:13 PM

this 1 realy isnt a cheat its more of something funny.

on the 1st lvl which is training go to the area where you find the flak gun you will see 4 targets there. you will also see the 3 steps. shoot the black whole gun in the center of that area then shoot the A-bomb launcher into it and see what happens

umbreontrainer July 15, 2007 2:28 PM

i know how to get the flak cannon. :p to get it just go to training zone and run past bots, go onto the ledge near boxes and get some1 to hold space for you. then use time disort while hyper jumping to the left and u can get it. it takes a while though so keep tryin (took me 7 gos to get it)


-To everybody asking about the Flak Cannon (The weapon in the Training Zone) , Read the damn comments....

-All the cheats are available on Miniclip in the HA3 Forum.

-The last level cannot be completed.

-The Collectors Edition cheats only work on the Collectors Edition of the game...

-The "Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start " code, is the well known "Konami Code" which is included in many of their games as well as many other games in tribute to Konami.
(For a list of games which use the Konami Code, go to

-The areas that can be unlocked using certain codes, are nothing special they are simply some of the zones in the game.

-Machine Gun Ammunition can be obtained from any heli, it isn't level specific, the only requirement is that the Heli is destroyed from mid-air during a hyperjump.

-My current record on the last level, is around 3128.
I've gotten far more, but that involved some hacking with CE (I didn't submit the score tho, I'm not that unethical, I just enjoy making codes)

Blakholesun July 22, 2007 8:27 PM

I feel that aera is awesome for finally telling everyone to look at the comments...How do you get collector's edition?


I started playing using timebreak, i felt like neo.
bullets rushed at me, "stop" i say and i walk out of the way.

Turbo Beef August 22, 2007 1:03 AM

Ive gotten up to the last level with nothing but grenades then i died and i cant beat it with a pistol!!! this sucks lol i gotta do all the levels again for ammo


i got all weapons! i love black hole :) i finished all levels


I need to get the weapon on the training level. I pressed [SHIFT] went on the platform near the boxes, hyperjumped and held right but sill can't reach it.


I can't beat the last level.

If anybody could tell me, tell me how to beat it.


I love the little messages when you enter cheats
Black hole generator- Black hole sun, won't you come?
Soundwave- London
Googun- Flubber
Flack cannon- Spare change

I love everything about the black hole generator!

flack cannon get October 26, 2007 10:00 PM

to get the flack cannon go to the usual place but when you hyperjump up us TimeDistort the whole time and a little ways before the ledge hold crouch while in the air and still moving left. if you do it right it will work every time

andy the gamemaster December 1, 2007 8:04 PM

woot1 fire wall!
go to training mission, and select flamethrower.
use timebreak and make a wall of flame, be sure to put alot of fire in it!
release timebreak and watch the show!


I thought I had a pretty good record at 2417, but inspired by a previous post of someone who got 3100+ on the last level, I wanted to see if I could actually get the next powerup at 3584 helis. I finally got this today, after 8.2 hours of play, I got 4049 helis, and 267.6 million points. I saved some screenshots along the way in case people don't believe me. Averaging abou5 53.5 kills per hit you take, you can reach the powerup at 3584. I did slightly better than this, and when I got the powerup, I actually had 12 health points in total. This lasted me to until 4049, so for the last segment of the game, I did slightly worse averaging 38.75 helis per one decrease in health point. I'm quite certain it's not humanly possible to reach the next powerup at 7168 helis! I wonder if anyone else, without hacking, has gotten more than 4000 helis on the last level?


That's incredible, congratulations. Heh, I and felt good about getting almost 100 heli's... anyways, I just wanted to ask exactly how you get into the hole right before the stacked boxes. I've tried a modified crouch, but it doesn't seem to work, for some reason. Is there something else I need to do?


You know, I've wondered the same thing, but I've never been able to get into that hole either. I'm not sure that there is a way....judging by the posts, I think all the secrets that can be found have been found. Keep playing though, when I first started, I had a hard time getting past 20. Slowly, I got better, more efficient with weapons, and better control of TimeBreak. At one point, breaking 500 was tough, and now I regularly break 1000. Getting past 2000 is still challenging these days though...

With all these posts about weapons, really, what will improve your game is gaming technique, not fancy weaponry. Some rules to play by:

1. Never jump when you can't see the heli, running on the ground is always safer.
2. Don't be a hero. A health point could last you another 30 helis, so don't risk your health by trying to kill some heli. Take your time.
3. You can never go wrong by using TimeBreak. Always have your finger on that button, ready to use it if you get in a bind.
4. Always throw a hand grenade ahead of you when you know one of those "things" will respawn.
5. The blackhole generator can kill 3 helis with one shot. But you have to make sure that when you fire it, you have to be right on a heli. It will disappear instantly, and then there will be time for the blackhole to kill 2 more.
6. If you have a weapon that takes a long time to recharge, don't collect them, just use them as they come. For example, if I use two blackhole generators separately, there's no recharge. But if I have 5 saved, then after I use one, I have to wait like 10 seconds to use the next one.
7. Save your powerups. For example, if you're a half decent player, there's no way you'd have taken 6 points of damage at 14 helis, which is when you get your first health pack. Destroy the heli at the very right of the play area so that it gets "saved" there. You can use it later when you really do need 6 health points. I've had cases where after I destroy the 224th heli, I have still not taken 6 hits, and I have 5 health packs saved on the right of the play field.

Okay, those are my major tips. Have fun playing.


Hey Errandir, I guess you asked about the "pothole" because you've read one of my previous posts. By pothole, I didn't mean that thing immediately before the crates, but the one that's a bit farther to the left. There's nothing blocking it, it's just a natural hole lol. It's probably my fav hiding spot, as the walls provide some protection especially when the heli isn't on top of you. The only problem is if it is directly on top and blanketing the area with bullets. Often, you either see that coming and avoid it, or escape through a hole in the wall of bullets being fired, or if all else fails, use TimeBreak.

Again, if anyone can beat my record, please tell me. I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere up there though. At's version of HA3, I'm more or less always at the top in terms of score, be it daily, weekly, or monthly. The player name I use is DeathWang, check it out.


You're right, I thought you meant the hole under the bridge when you mentioned the pothole. I guess there probably is no way in, if nobody's found it yet - I was wondering if it had something to do with the red and green lights, but there doesn't seem to be any way to change them. The pothole can probably be useful too, although I usually find myself staying more or less in the starting area; I should probably try moving around in addition to what I do just to dodge.

I had also been under the impression that drops disappeared if you left them there for too long. From what you say, though, it clearly isn't true for health - maybe only for weapons, or maybe I was just wrong. Anyways, thanks for the tips. I think they'll be helpful.


Actually, I've never seen anything disappear in the game. I think the weapons stay there as long as you need them to. Certainly, for health packs, I have never lost any because I didn't pick them up right away. Sometimes I down like 300 helis before going back for one of my saved health packs.


I just checked, I have a screen shot at 1344 helis with 3 health packs still where I left them.

Dragon_magey January 10, 2008 5:35 PM

i figured this out on my own on accident but the 25 machine gun bullets from hyper jumping and killing it at the same time also works with the ground things. my favorite thing to do is use a bow & arrow, shoot at the target and hyper jump befor it reaches it.(thats why the bow works best is it has the slowest bullet. by the time i reach level x i have anywhere between 5000-10000 round of machine gun by ignoring the helis and attacking the ground troops.


on level 2-2 go to the bridge


cross the bridge and drop of the other side shoot at the wall that is on your left now. go inside get out a laser rifle. (if you have one) crouch under the bridge and shoot at the helicopters.


In zone 1-3, when you under the bridge, you see a wood wall then some sort of camera/machine sticking out. What's that for? Is there any way to get to it? WHAT IS IT????


i cant find the cheats and for some reason its not there


just for the people asking about it, the "everliving" code doesn't work. If you look at the guy who posted it, Ever Living is his name.

Brendan466 July 6, 2008 8:20 PM

Hi Jay. I think the URL's here need to be updated to:


[Edit: Cheers, Brendan! Fixed. -Jay]

Anonymous July 19, 2008 4:02 PM

I didnt see any of you post the only cheats you really need

ALL WEAPONS: up up down down left right left right b a select start

ALL LEVELS: you are the moon master

Mos datuli July 22, 2008 8:45 AM

is the collectors edition made up or something? I cant find it anywhere! Google,, everywhere jus brings to a cheat list with those words in it! if anyone knows where it is, please post it. magic octopus!


You know if you hyperjump then kill a heli while in the air you get 50 machine gun bullets... i got 4000 once :)


up up down down left right left right b a select start...type that in players:cheats and you will be able to unlock all weapons


I found a way to kill as many helis as you want on level X! You know that box beneath the steel floor with four lights, just before the pile of boxes? Well, you can't shoot a Soundwave through that steel, but if you go into the crater just a little to the left and shoot through THAT wall then, when you go back to the steel floor, all the lights are green and by pressing Modify-Down you will end up in a small room where you cannot be reached by enemy fire.

However, instead, you can shoot through the steel floor from the bottom, and as long as you aim in between the two lines on the steel floor and the heli is above it, your bullet will go through. Unfortunately if you want to get the heli drop you have to leave and repeat the whole process again, so I usually stockpile a few weapons before going down and I stay there.

I only learnt this an hour ago and I messed up the first time, but my heli count was a little over 200 and I'm sure if you have the time you can get infinite kills.


A multiplayer would be amazing. *hint hint*

Mighty Mackinac January 2, 2009 12:53 AM i can't find the cheats option in the players menu...where is it? every time i try to play HA3 i can't find the cheats option...


on the training level heli attack 3 a secret gun is in the wall next to the wall that you can clime, you shoot the wall until you find a box.

badg3rhax April 7, 2009 11:56 AM

The best way to get kills (on any level) is to use the free machine gun. Just get a heli to really low health (as in 1 more shot to destroy it) use hyperjump to get up next to the heli and shoot it while in midair. You should get 50 machinegun ammo every time you do this. Also the 'All Weapons' cheat only UNLOCKS all weapons, it does not give them to you i.e. they can now drop from helis. And there are no inf. ammo cheats.

PIE RULZ May 6, 2009 7:25 PM

Where do you put the cheats? I can't find the box thingy.


"I found a way to kill as many helis as you want on level X! You know that box beneath the steel floor with four lights, just before the pile of boxes? Well, you can't shoot a Soundwave through that steel, but if you go into the crater just a little to the left and shoot through THAT wall then, when you go back to the steel floor, all the lights are green and by pressing Modify-Down you will end up in a small room where you cannot be reached by enemy fire."

Doesn't work! Can someone tell me how to make it work?


i found out hot to get the item in the training area. But its only a flake cannon you go on the stair steps where the enemy is use time distort step on very edge make sure u have the black hole generator . use time-distort and jump using hyper jump at the same time while in mid air use the black hole generator and youll get up


i type in the cheats and activate them but when i play i cant get the guns someone help me

Knife Guru December 7, 2009 10:09 PM

Gets boring once you beat it

my favorite thing to do is mess with time in tutorial

WILLIAM0708 December 18, 2010 8:06 PM

DiD someone to try nake Zone X(No Any Weapon at start)?I am a noob so I can reach 16 Only.

brenden June 4, 2011 4:34 PM

if you want all of the cheats type:up up down down left right left right b a select start


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