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Link Dump Friday №326

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Link Dump Fridays

DoraFriiiiday, Friiiiiday, gotta Link Dump on Friday! Your favourite weekly dietary supplement of unicorns, aliens, and snakes returns with a quartet of games to keep you busy just long enough for the weekend to inch ever closer to your grasp!

  • Room of 1000 SnakesRoom of 1000 Snakes - An ancient temple... a mysterious room... a big red button... and one ridiculous soundtrack make for a very silly "game" from Ben Esposito and Yuliy Vigdorchik that's well worth the few minutes it'll take you to experience, even if you roll your eyes so hard they go clattering across the room afterwards. Well, what were you expecting? (If you have a fear of snakes, you might want to give this one a miss.)
  • Hyper Pixel ManHyper Pixel Man - If you're one of those people who can't sit still for long, you might appreciate the zippy, dead-in-a-flash challenge of Pixelulsar's platform game that uses simple, retro graphics to craft some maddeningly difficult levels. If you can put up with the over-eager movement, it offers a satisfying, if perhaps not all that unique, bit of spike-filled action.
  • Yepi ForeverYepi Forever - Remember when Yepi just wanted to rescue his girlfriend? Remember how cute and adorable that was? Well, FUHGEDDABOUDIT, because Begamer's newest point-and-click puzzle adventure game featuring the little yellow dude has him responding to a distress call on a mysterious red planet, and the tone is decidedly gloomier. Some unintuitive gameplay and painfully slow movement mar this one, but it still provides a solid, coffee-break sized bite of puzzle-y gaming to fill up your day.
  • Robot Unicorn Attack EvolutionRobot Unicorn Attack Evolution - I don't care how many times we've covered Robot Unicorn Attack, this is my feature and I want to listen to Erasure, dangit. Though ultimately the same sort of ridiculous arcade game as its brethren, Evolution has a few tricks up its sleeve, and remains every bit as silly, fun, and addictive as ever. (Why has this not been ponified yet?)


But do you want to listen to Erasure?


I got some trouble with the Room of 1000 Snakes game. When I load it all I get is a grey screen.

Rex Mario (the 3rd Mario Bro.) June 28, 2013 4:48 AM

Cheers Jayisgames!! Way to return link dump Friday to it's former glory. I hope u never drop this format again!!!!


Nevermind, I managed to load it...
It's one of the strangest "games" I've ever played.


Yepi Forever Walkthrough

SCENE 1: outside the spaceship

  1. Pick up the BATTERY.

  2. Click the bamboo pole to move it.

    • Notice that you can lift it up but it won't stay up.

  3. Make note of the three dials at the edge of the spaceship:

    • Clicking each will change the symbols. Apparently you need to be on the look out for which three symbols to use.

  4. Go right to scene 2.

SCENE 2: faucet, hole and gravity pad

  1. Turn on the faucet (the spiget will fall off and go down the hole.

  2. Click the old guy and he'll jump into a hole which is then blocked by a large acorn-shaped weight.

  3. Make a note of the symbol on the side of the hill.

  4. Click the gravity pad in the upper right edge of the screen to move it down. Now it needs to be set-up:

    • Open the lid of the charger just above the pad.

    • Click the 2 BATTERIES to move them into the charger.

    • Move the wire to hook up with the gravity pad.

    • Flip the lever to turn it on.

  5. Move up to scene 3.

SCENE 3: top of hill and gondola

  1. Notice that the rope holding the weight runs through a pully at the top of the scene.

  2. Click the flower on the left to move it to the mechanism.

  3. Click the gear to bring it up then click the button to see the mechanism is working.

  4. Push the flower down to send the gondola left.

  5. Go left to scene 4.

SCENE 4: tree branch

  1. Make note of the symbol on the side of the branch.

  2. Click the WHITE BRANCH sticking out just below the symbol to send it downwards.

  3. Go back to scene 1.

SCENE 1: outside spaceship, watering the plant

  1. Use the white branch to prop up the bamboo pole...

    • Now water goes to the blue plant, making it grow.

  2. Go back to the tree branch above (scene 4).

SCENE 4: tree branch, moving left

  1. Now you'll see the plant below has grown to form a platform for you to jump off of...But first:

    • Click one of the plant petals to cause it to fall down below.

  2. Go left to scene 5.

SCENE 5: above the spaceship

  1. Here the rope attached to the weight continues through another pully then hangs down with a loop above your spaceship.

    • Note that the hook on the right side of the spaceship top will not stay up, otherwise it would make a good mechanism for pulling that rope.

  2. Click the white canister and a plunger will pop out of it.

  3. Use the PLUNGER to open the plugged up knothole on the side of the tree.

  4. Click the rolled up banner inside the tree and it will unfurl and hang on the rod.

    • Now you can make note of the third symbol.

  5. Jump down to scene 1.

SCENE 1: three symbols to open up the spaceship

  1. Change the three dials (under the satelite dish) to match, in order, the symbols you saw so far:

  2. Screenshot: Three Symbols

    • When correct, stairs come down and the spaceship opens up.

  3. Go left into the spaceship.

SCENE 6: inside the ship

  1. Click the "ON" power button to turn on the computer and start another puzzle:

    • Your goal is to turn on the red control buttons by selecting the correct symbol on the screen above.

    • You'll know you've succeeded when the set of tiny yellow lights light up.


      First click the circle in the upper right. That causes the circle to open up and give you three more options: click the bottom one of the three.

  2. Now the red buttons are functioning, find the two that do what you need done:

    • Press the red button second from the left to lift up the hook on top of the spaceship.

    • Next, you can also press the last button on the right to pull up a pole that is sticking in the ground (that will helps things out later).

SCENE 5 and SCENE 6: lifting weight to open hole

  1. Now that you've raised the hook (see previous spoiler), go back to scene 5, the top of the spaceship.

  2. Click the loop at the end of the rope to attach it to the hook.

  3. Then, jump back down and go inside the spaceship:

    • Press the second button from the left to bring the hook back down...this will cause the weight to lift and the hole will be open so you can follow the old guy.

  4. Go outside to scene 1.

SCENE 1, 2 and 7: into the hole

  1. Outside the spaceship, in the puddle of water, you'll see the RED FLOWER PETAL that fell when you clicked it on the flower up above. To save some steps later on...

    • Click on the PETAL again to make it move east.

    • Go right and, once more, click on the PETAL so it falls down the hole.

  2. Jump down the hole yourself.

    • Down in the hole you'll notice a grumpy monster, an empty vial, a cart on track (blocked by a tree branch), a small fire, and a couple gears (another gear appears to be missing).

  3. Click the GEAR on the ceiling to bring it down. Then click it again to attach it to the other gear.

  4. Go left to scene 8.

SCENE 8: tent

  1. Open the tent to find a BELLOWS.

  2. Use the BELLOWS to fan the coals and spark up a fire.

  3. Click the will fly up, lighting up the odd plant there which, in turn, brightens the dark area on the ceiling:

    • Open the box and a KEY will fall out and bounce west.

      • If the box won't open, you need to go back into the spaceship and press the last button to pull up the pole.

    • Click the CRANK HANDLE to bring it down then click it again to send it east.

  4. Go left to scene 9.

SCENE 9: digging contraption

  1. Use the KEY (from the box, previous scene) to unlock the lever.

  2. Pull the TOP LEVER to put the digging wheel iand then click on the LEFT LEVER to send the digging wheel into the dirt pile. (Click the TOP LEVER again if needed).

  3. After it digs a while, click the KNIFE and follow the knife east, clicking it again and following it to scene 7.

SCENE 7: monster and potion making

  1. Put the CRANK HANDLE (from scene 8) on the gears and then turn it to bring the ladder over.

  2. Use the knife (from scene 9) to cut the branch.

  3. Click the cart to send it down the track.

  4. Now you have to make a potion to get past the monster:

    • Move the EMPTY FLASK (which is under the monster's chin) to the cart and click it again to move it under the leaky pipe (above left end of the track).

    • Click on the LEAKY PIPE three times to fill up the flask.

    • Send the FULL FLASK back to the right, under the hole and near the monster's mouth.

    • Click the RED PETAL (which came from the flower in scene 4) to drop it into the flask.

    • Now send the flask back to the flames on the left end of the track. It'll cook and turn red.

  5. Send the finished RED POTION back toward the monster and it will be knocked out.

  6. Go right, past the monster, to scene 10.

SCENE 10: monster's tail

  1. Click the blue thing to get the hamster's wheel to spin and the rope loop to lower.

  2. Put the rope around the monster's tail.

  3. Click the blue thing again...and the tail is raised.

  4. Go left to the final scene.

Deusovi June 28, 2013 8:31 PM

Does the Room of 1000 Snakes have any jump scares, or anything similar?


Hi Deusovi! No, nothing like that.

It's basically just a gag that the title clues you in on. Something WILL burst out of the walls at one point, but you'll see it coming so you should only be afraid if snakes scare you. It's mostly just silly.


I can't get Room of 1000 Snakes to load for me either. Unity loads, but after that all I get is a gray screen.

HaloInverse July 1, 2013 3:25 AM

Robot Unicorn Attack has been ponified. At least twice, branching into at least three different "editions" (variant sprites/animation/music).

Such unauthorized modifications might be in a legal gray area, but they do exist, and are easily found by most decently exhaustive Internet search engines.

saviourv July 1, 2013 10:34 AM

Saviour-V teleports in...

Finished Hyper Pixel Man.

Turns out there is a bit of colour in there, but it's the only thing you see before you die for good this time.

The last stage is 37. Good luck getting there. Stage 36 will give you trouble, as will one other stage. You'll know it when you see it.

Saviour-V teleports out...


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