World of Archoon

The objective of Archoon is to pop every balloon as they float up past the archer or down and in from the side. You cannot miss a single balloon, or the first one to reach the top of the play field unpopped ends the game.
Click and hold the mouse button down to draw back the bow. The longer you hold the mouse button the harder and faster the arrow will fly when released. The action quickly begins to speed up as your score accumulates, with additional archers appearing that fire simultaneously. Click.
In Baboon, the balloons just float around mocking you as the arrows you shoot just seem to repel them from being hit. Although it may seem impossible at first, the balloons are indeed vulnerable if an arrow is shot just right. Use a combination of rapid fire with slow and steady shots to clear all balloons before your score counts down to zero. Click.
Both of these games were JP's first experiments with creating games using Processing after seeing the recent World of Sand games by D_of_I. He reports that although Processing is powerful, it lacks the layers and object management of the Flash authoring environment. Also, since there is no drawing environment in Processing, creating vector graphics is not as easy; however, it does support the importing of SVG graphics as well as some other things Flash cannot do.
Other games by JP: Ringmania and How's your driving?
I found a good strategy was
to shoot arrows high so they fall onto balloons, then as they fall, shoot a constant stream of arrows below the balloons so that they don't go anywhere
It isn't working, Jay. :(
As these games are made with Processing, which is built upon Java, you will need the v1.4 release of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed to play these games. Get Java here.
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Hey jay,the site's great (sorry for unorigionality...and spelling...)
just thought i'd mention that you have "baboob" as the image alt tage for baboon... lol
also the games are pretty impressive (i think as have only made games in flash...)
Keep the games coming!
Cheers, Giftedweasel! =)
The image tag's alt attribute has been fixed. Thanks for that. ;)
In baboon, I got 40868. That last balloon is the hardest!
Muahaha! 59340 in Babboon
was fun, all that is really needed is very accurate shooting one balloon at a time.
got 129065
at the end, each time you destroy all the balloons they get smaller, seemingly forever
114064. I feel so good.
In baboon the last balloon was SO frustrating i gave up!!
I found that a good tactic is to shoot a whole bunch of arrows high into the air with a mix of rapid and slow, higher shots, then as they fall, shoot a steady stream of high-power arrows horizontally to make sort of a grid of arrows, so one of them has to hit by some chance. ;) I got 84460 on my 1st attempt.
One of the best games on the site! I got a rubbish score though.
No fair! The balloons can hide offscreen where you can't shoot them!
I got to the last balloon, but drove my co-workers crazy with the constant clicking, so I stopped.
I used the arrow hail technique. If you fire a ton of arrows up, then a ton low, a lot of ballons die. 112,752 YEAH!!!