The tired box is back in the fifth installment of the Wake Up The Box series. Once again use whatever means are at your disposal to prevent the little guy from getting his sleep. Get your physics puzzle fix as you draw various shapes to bounce, slide, or rocket the box out of dreamland.
You think you're tired? Take a look at Mr. Box! You would think three games of sleep would be plenty but not for this cardboard narcoleptic. Too bad for him it's up to you to wake him up and this time around it's not only tree stumps and wooden boards you'll be using. It's up to you to draw the method that will have him waking up on the wrong side of what may have seemed a safe platform above a perilous fall.
The next entry comes from Russia (with love) by another two-person creative team: Eugene Karataev (Flash developer) and Artem Popov (artist). Jabo is an acronym for "Jump And Ball Operation" and it somewhat describes the basic premise of Eugene's and Artem's action game starring a frog with a very long tongue. Use the frog's tongue as a grappling hook to propel yourself towards the shining star. The rest is up to you.
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