Take me out to the You Are Games! Take me out to the crowd! Bring me some captions and quirky punchlines, your quip could be featured in an upcoming comic! For it's loot, loot loot you could win if your caption tickles our funny bone, so it's one, two, three strikes you're out, 'cause that frooooooog's oooooooon fiiiiiiiiiire!
It's your job to come up with an egg-laden pun in this week's You Are Games challenge. That's right, the yolk's on you! Take a look at this unfinished Babylon Sticks comic drafted by resident comicster James Francis. It could use another dipping in the dye batches so it gets some color. But most importantly, it needs a punchline! What humorous quip can you imagine to finish this comic?
For a while now, we've been doing these Babylon Sticks Caption Contests as some of our You Are Games escapades. We've done seven of these contests so far, and we've had seven winners, out of over seven hundred comments. With the proper focus and concentration on the goal, the winning caption may very well come to you.
This week on our semi-irregular You Are Games feature, we ask you to think back to an era centuries ago. It was a time when castles were all the rage and checkerboard designs started popping up on every tapestry and tabletop. If you've got a quirky quip that works well with the Babylon Sticks comic below, post it as a comment. We'll select one as the caption for next week's feature, and we'll award a nice prize along with it.
Take a look at the cartoon to the right. Do any funny quips or bits of dialogue spring to mind as you view this unfinished comic? We want you to send them to us! Post your caption ideas as a comment, and yours could get picked to be the caption in the final version of the comic! Prizes and glory will soon follow.
Now, feast your eyes on the giant comic for you to caption. (Giant. Geddit?) What's the funniest punchline you can come up with to go along with the picture? Let us know! Post your caption ideas in the comments box below, it just could be featured in next week's Babylon Sticks, and you'll receive a nice prize for your troubles!
Take a gander at the festive Babylon Sticks comic created by our resident toonmeister, James Francis. Can you come up with a party-worthy punchline to fit the scene? If you think you've got one, post a comment below and you could win an Humble Indie Bundle!
We've teamed up with Berzerk Studios to offer you a chance to be a part of Berzerk Ball, the follow-up to the Homerun in Berzerk Land! Not only that, you can win one of four iTunes Gift Cards, each worth $25! Continue reading for more details...
Another installment of You Are Games, another installment of the Babylon Sticks Caption Contest. We're asking you to supply a punchline for another Babylon Sticks comic. It's humorous on its own, but it needs a caption to really drive the hilarity home. Submit your ideas as comments, as many ideas as you'd like, but remember to keep them game-related! All entries are due by Monday, December 13th at 11:59 PM (GMT-5:00).
In this installment of You Are Games, we're calling upon you, our loyal readers, to scratch your funny bone where it itches and create the caption for another Babylon Sticks comic created by James Francis. Submit your ideas as comments, as many ideas as you'd like, but remember to keep them game-related! All entries are due by Monday, November 29th at 11:59 PM (GMT-5:00).
We're offering up a caption contest in which you get to fill in the caption for one James Francis' Babylon Sticks comics, made especially for us here at JIG. So roll up your sleeves, put your funny tinfoil thinking caps on and jump start the braincells. It's caption contest time!
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